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19 yrs ago
Some women get pregnant almost as soon as they even think of going off the pill, but with others it can take months and months. Just relax and let nature take its course. And on the assumption that you are currently in good health gthe only supplement I would recommend would be Folic Acid as it is an important defence against abnormal foetal development. Good luck. It took us 4 months, although we suffered a miscarriage the month before. Daughter is now 8 weeks old today and is a real joy.
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19 yrs ago
No. Married only in May last year and started trying straight away. Not on the pill before then either - not an issue and no other medical reason to be.
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19 yrs ago
A couple of my friends have become pregnant within a month of two of getting off the pill. However, you should be aware that for some women, it may take a few months or years for the cycles to return to normal. In my case, I went off the pill in 2003 to get pregnant, but my cycle is not yet normal. Depending on how quickly you want to get pregnant, have you considered gettting off the pill now, and turn to other forms of birth control until you're ready to start trying? Hopefully you'll be one of the lucky ones that can get pregnant really quickly.
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Topazia> As already stated, some women become pregnant very quickly after stopping the pill. The good news is that there is no clinical evidence that such a "speedy" pregnancy will harm the baby, although you might want to wait... so plan to use another contraception method in the meantime.
As TC said, folic acid is the no. 1 supplement you should start to take straight away. I know there will be some people who say you can get all the folic acid naturally from foods but do you have time to make sure of these every day? Personally, I'm not one for popping pills but folic acid is an absolute must for mums-in-waiting, so it's a good idea to take a supplement.
I always say that your body will be your baby's home for nine months so it's always good to get it ready - barring surprises of course. Now is the time to have a pre-pregnancy visit with your GP. Get checked for immunity for things like rubella. Get to know your monthly cycle. Get a family history. Get fit. If you can't already swim, learn - it's a good exercise for mums-to-be, and mums and babies later.
And if you don't get pregnant immediately, don't worry. Sometimes Mother Nature likes to take her time. So don't put pressure on yourself, just enjoy the sex!
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19 yrs ago
The contraceptive pill can deplete your body of vitamin B6, which is essential when TTC. A vit B6 deficiency can lead to luteal phase defect which I had when I came off the pill after 10 years.
I recall another thread which discussed this to so length and found it very helpful for me. You could try doing a search here.
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19 yrs ago
I read somewhere (about a year ago when it was important to us) that it takes AN AVERAGE of 4 months for a woman to get pregnant. That means some will be quicker and others will be longer - much longer in some cases.
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19 yrs ago
I've read in a couple of books that a woman's fertility is actually enhanced immediately after she stops taking the pill. Maybe you should take advantage of this time to try to get pregnant. Although I've heard some doctors advise against getting pregnant right away after getting off the pill, the consensus seems to be that there are no adverse effects.
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