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19 yrs ago
I have just found out I am pregnant, it's only very early stages (5 weeks) but the Dr confirmed it yesterday. Can anyone offer advice on what I should do next please. Pregnancy is not covered on my husbands medical plan but I don't really want to use my normal Dr for this, I don't mind paying for private. When should I go for a scan, do I just book one myself at the hospital, are there any good female Dr's out there. I am new to HK and new to pregnancy and am panicking about it all and have no one to ask. Please help!
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congrats and relax!
lots of mums and mums-to-be on this forum who will be able to advise. in the meantime, look through the past threads on this forum for info and check out bookstores for a good pregnancy guide book.
good luck!
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You should get some prenatal vitamins - I take Materna (bigger Watsons or Fanda - about $160 for 3 months' supply) - you need to be taking lots of folic acid and not much Vit A, so these are better than normal multi-vits. Make sure you take one a day, but evening is better than morning in case you're feeling queasy.
Apart from that there's no need to rush anything - if you want to go to a private doc then go when you are about 7 or 8 weeks pregnant, as then they can see a heartbeat and confirm that everything is ok, and confirm a due date (before then they might or might not see a heartbeat, so it might cause undue stress - I would wait). Also go and get 'What to expect when you're expecting' or similar - it tells you everything you need to know (maybe more than you want to know...).
Good luck, relax, and congratulations!
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Thanks Geiboyi & Wheelymate, I feel better already. I guess i should chill out for a few weeks and look after myself. I have just been panicking about it all as I am so shocked. Off to buy some vitamins now!
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main point: take good care of yourself and enjoy yourself :)
PS: and better than vitamins: fruits!!!
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There's a website called
If you go on the pregnancy calender page and enter the date of your last period it will tell you when you are due and also prepare a month by moth calender for you - so you can check every day what's happening and what to expect.
As for doctors - go through this forum you'll find plenty of threads on the subject.
And yes - relax and take it easy.
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Congrats, just called an obgy and make an appointment she will tell you when to have scans etc booking the hosipal is a little ways off. Just make sure you check up on the prefered diet for pregnant women i'm sure the threads and website posted will help.
I also wanted a female dr when i was pregnant and saw Dr Christine Choy she truely is wonderful, caring and her office is in Central. Even thou it's part of her job to deal with pregnant women she acts as though it's the worlds frist baby, she is always excited to see the scans and to hear of your progress. All the best and enjoy.her details are
Dr Christine Choy
Care For Women
302A New World Tower1, 18 Queens Rd Central, Central
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Thanks for everyones help! I have another couple of worries if anyone can give advice please....
If I eat a really balanced diet already could I overload on vitamins if I take supplements too and cause harm to the baby?
Can I do aerobics and high impact sport in the very early stages or will it increase chances of miscarriage?
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High impact sport does increase chances of miscarraige. Better go mild esp during the first trimester. I think there should be aerobics specially designed for pregnancy. Go for that instead of the normal ones.
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vitamins: what your gynae prescribe should be safe and adequate.
aerobics and high impact sports: i would suggest you seek advice from your doc. it also depends on the nature of your pregnancy e.g. if you are having a high risk pregnancy, it's better not to take the risk.
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When you say high-impact, please specify.
If you mean running, you should be OK as long as you are fit and have always run. However, you should take care not to overheat and you will have to ease off on the intensity. As the others have said, check with your doctor.
You should not play any contact sports at all - definite no-no
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I remember when I first found out I was pregnant I decided that I would eat well, stay fit by doing lots of exercise e.g. walking to & fro work, swimming, pre-natal yoga and generally staying quite active etc
When morning (24-hr) sickness set in, I was lucky if I could shuffle to the bus stop in the mornings. You should listen to your body and generally accept that you'll have to slow things down. It took me weeks before I did that and what a difference it made when I finally began to rest more.
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