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19 yrs ago
I'm in week 28 and am starting to feel sharp pain that extends from the nerves of my buttocks to the leg (only on the right side though) whenever I stand up from a chair. Book says it's called Sciatica. Is there any way to cope with this?
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I had great luck with prenatal yoga helping me with this. I remember posting something about this a while back and another poster had said that yoga positions were actually wrong for helping sciatica. I had good luck with it though - she mentioned trying some PT and some special stretching poses to help.
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I suffered from sciatic pain too and the only remedy that I found was RESTING on my bed as much as possible !
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I go swimming quite often. It helps flexing my joints but doesn't help much in reducing the pain. Does massage help? Unlike muscle strain, I can hardly tell/ touch the exact area of the pain...
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Hi Nicher,
I get it too (I'm also 28 weeks). I find that if I miss even one day of swimming it is worse. Also, I think that the baby's position seems to affect it. Do you spend a lot of time sitting down? I find that also seems to make it worse so I also do a lot of (slow) walking.
Good luck :-)
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Hi October Baby, so nice to know that we are close!
Yes, I spend a lot of time sitting down in office, but I grasp every opportunity to walk and stretch during lunch time. Still I find it hard to relief the pain even if I come out of bed. I find it hard to fall asleep in any position too...
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I have this too. In my case the pain originated from the lower back (think I irritated the sciatic nerve because of bad posture and lots of sitting down). so even if you feel the pain going down your leg and nothing in your back, it could be the back that needs attention. I found yoga poses that help to stretch the lower back and sides of the waist helped but occasionally I think I over did it and it ended up worse. massaging the lower back also helps but it might be quite sensitive if the nerve is already irritated.... and beware of those infrared massagers. i got my husband to massage my lower back with one of these once and it worked a treat - it got rid of my back pain for a while but I now have attractive burn marks on my skin! my personal trainer also told me that swimming can help, but breast stroke can make things worse, especially if you insist on keeping your head out of the water at all times (like me). kinda makes sense if you think about it. Anyway, good luck!
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Thanks Kikidee. Guess I can't get rid of it till the day I give birth! My friend told me it's beacuse by this stage baby has changed his position. Does anyone know when baby starts to turn "head down"?
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what may be happening to aggravate your pain is that you are arching your back more as your baby is taking up more room.
(hence the breaststroke with head out of the water forces you to arch your back... - not so good.)
One pose to help you while in the office to is the cat's pose. You can do it on all fours - and curving your tailbone and your head down to release the pressure. Also, if you're not interesting in getting down on the floor, bending your knees and tilting your pelvis forward while holidng on the back of the chair may also help.
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hi nicher,
do you do pre natal yoga? i find that it helps, i feel SO tired easily and back pain, but after a few sessions, i feel better. Though i have stop it now ;-)
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Thanks hkchoichoi, I know exactly what you mean about the cat's pose. I have been reminding myself not to arch my back while walking. It does eases the tension at the lower back, but not the nerves around the buttock :(
Last night I tried to apply a warm pad on my back and buttock and it does help a bit.
Honeypie, I do prenatal yoga at home (not frequent though) as my friend lent me a tape. I haven't practised it this pain started two weeks ago... maybe I'll try a few mild poses to see if it helps. Thx!
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