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19 yrs ago
When do you start taking prenatal vitamins? Some people I've spoken with say that they don't start taking it until the 3rd month, some start as soon as they find out... Also, is it safe to take flaxseed oil while pregnant?
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19 yrs ago
I think its best to start taking the prenatal vitamins as soon as you start trying for a baby. I think they recommend at least 3 months before you get pregnant. The most important vitamin you want in your body once you concieve is FOLIC ACID. The recommended dose I believe is 4 micrograms a day. Your GP will confirm this.
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Start now either way - it's recommended that all women of child-bearing age (and presumably in a pregnancy-possible situation) take that amount of folic acid, just in case. You can get Materna (pre-natal/post-partum) vitamins from Watsons or Fanda for about $150 for 100 (cheaper in Fanda that W), about the same as regular multi-vits. I would take those if you are pregnant or even considering the possibility.
Flaxseed is fine (I hope, as have just had ground flaxseed on my cereal...) - good for the baby's brain.
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19 yrs ago
Thanks, Kimmi and geiboyi. I've been taking folic acid for the past few months already, but I was just wondering if I shd start taking Materna this soon (I'm only 5 weeks). I can't remember when I started taking Materna the first time I was pregnant!
Geiboyi --where do you buy your ground flaxseed from? I only have flaxseed supplements.
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You can buy whole flaxseed/linseed from Citysuper (same area as muesli/dried fruit/nuts) or some Wellcomes (I think the brand is Green Dot Dot?) - about $20 for a big bag. Then you can grind it in a coffee grinder. I just bought some LSA (linseed/almond/sunflower seeds) - ground stuff in a bag from Wellcome Exchange Sq - about $30, there's an organic-type shelf near the dairy. I sprinkle it on my cereal.
The doctor recommended I take Materna as it has very low vitamin A compared with some multivits - vit A is not great for developing babies. I would start taking that now.
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There is a real paradox with vitamins in preg or at other times. Generally people who eat well and could do without vitamin pills take them religously. Those who really need them either because of poor diet or poverty dont. You cannot get the mothers that live on fast-food to take them.
For several years they solved this problem in the UK, they put vitamins in the beer.
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19 yrs ago
I just saw this article and it says that some doctors advise against taking flaxseed supplements while pregnant, but would recommend that we get our sources of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils instead.
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