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19 yrs ago
Hi All,
This is the first time I've posted a message on here...I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant and suddenly I don't feel pregnant any more. Up until this week I was feeling a little nauseous, had gone off my favourite foods, I was hormonal etc and now I feel completely normal again (apart from sore boobs!). I thought these symptoms weren't supposed to go away until the 2nd trimester? It's making me nervous! Anyone else like me?
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Congratulations on your pregnancy, try not too worry everyone is difference and maybe you've just settled down. If you are really worried for piece of mind why don't you see if you can get an ultrasound or a dopler scan. (listens to hearbeat). I did this a few times when i was pregnant and even thought the nurses probably thought i was neurotic i didn't for my own sanity
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Thanks Perthites - I may well do that. I have an appointment booked for a scan on 22nd August -I'm counting the days! If I still feel uneasy by the end of this week then I will make an appointment before that.
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Ok thanks Cara, I'll hold out until 22nd August. No bleeding at all - some cramps but I hear that's normal. It seems (from what I've heard) the more exagerated your pregnancy symptoms are the healthier the pregnancy...hence my concerns!
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ok I will try! Hope you start to feel better soon.
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"the more exagerated your pregnancy symptoms are the healthier the pregnancy"
Very bad morning sickness = boy
Very bad morning sickness = girl
Very bad morning sickness = long labour
Very bad morning sickness = short labour
Very bad morning sickness = big baby
Very bad morning sickness = small baby
Very bad morning sickness = twins
These are some of old wives' tales I've heard. So if you haven't have bad morning sickness (at least yet, can come later), you will have a boy or girl, a long or short labour, a big or small baby, but not twins!
Forget the old wives' tales and listen to your doctor.
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I know what you are going through. I had had 2 m/c between my first and second children, so every time that I felt well or vaguely normal, I assumed the worst. I ended up having weekly scans for 12 weeks to put my mind at rest. Like Pertgites, I have no doubt that by obstertrician thoght that I was neurotic (he had a point), but it REALLY helped!
You will probably be fine. If it is bothering you, try to get another appointment before 22nd. As Cara says, if you have any major cramps, or the slightest bleeding - get to the doctor straight away!!!! Even if you have some bleeding - it is not a foregone conclsion (I had heavy bleeding at 9 weeks with my first and she was absolutely perfect).
Good luck and try to relax (easier said that done, I know).
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thanks for your response Dora.. I haven't had any scans yet - I would have booked the first one sooner but my Doctor is away until 21st August. I suppose I could find another one..I haven't had any cramping for a week or so now and it was fairly mild (similar to period pain) and no bleeding at all. Only other symptoms are weight gain (I'm really struggling to get into some jeans/skirts already!)and sore boobs..
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Cramping is a normal sign. Sore boobs, normal sign (more common than sickness). Some bleeding is not uncommon.
Not getting into clothes after only 8 weeks, a normal sign. One friend was in maternity clothes at four weeks. She was happy about the pregnancy but a bit tearful at being in the maternity clothes shop so early on.
Re the boobs. You might want to look at buying a lightweight sleep bra and a good supportive one (non-wired). But generally boobs are most sore in the first trimester.
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Oh good - glad the weight gain is normal at this stage..although I do tend to wake up slim and degenerate into a large blob by the end of the day! Sounds like I might be eating the wrong things. Although my boobs hurt I can't say I mind too much about going from a small size 34A to a large 34B! I will invest in a couple of supportive bras - they hurt most when I walk and I find myself pressing my hand over them to stop them moving about so much! Oh dear...
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woohoooo! might be able to appreciate them when they stop hurting so much - I've become an expert at rolling over in bed to minimise the pain, although it does involve a certain amount of work! hugging is an absolute no-go unless i have my arms covering them - not very intimate...:-(
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amandaoo i too was a 34A and increased very exciting my hubby told me he was going to try and keep me pregnant for ever! I actually think i enjoyed the increase in boob size more than him... if you can believe that!
Sadly now although they are still larger than an A cup they sag, 6mths of expressing will do that! Still i can't complain too much at least i still have clevege!!!!!
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haha! Yes a cleavage at last - wonderful! I'm so proud!
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i have friends who had zero morning sickness and gave birth to perfectly healthy babies. i was very sick in my 1st tri and some of 2nd tri and the doc that did my detailed scan at 20 weeks (not my usualy gynae) said it was a good thing as it meant i was very pregnant...not sure how true but maybe he said it just to make me feel better, haha!!
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19 yrs ago
Congrats, amandamoo. I'm on my 2nd pregnancy now and have no 'symptoms' at all beyond being constantly hungry and needing to pee often. I didn't have morning sickness with my pregnancy either, but gave birth to a 7+ lb baby. Just take it easy and try to 'enjoy' your pregnancy. :)
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ok, this was so many months ago so i can't really remember his exact explanation but the idea is that morning sickness is an indication that the the pregnancy is progressing well, pregnancy hormones,placenta, blood flow, etc good....not sure how true this is but i suppose that's why amandamoo is asking about "feeling pregnant" as she said she heard somewhere that morning sickness indicates a healthy pregnancy.
anyway not sure how true but found an article:,%20Num%201/EPBM1303.htm
Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy: Its Role in Placental Development
The etiology of morning sickness, which is experienced in early pregnancy by up to 70% of pregnant women, has been linked to increased levels of thyroxine and placental hCG. Morning sickness has been associated with decreased risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, low birth weight, and perinatal death. Based on data from the literature a functional role for morning sickness in stimulating early placental growth is postulated.7
Nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy induces a reduction in maternal energy intake causing lower levels of anabolic hormones, insulin, and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1). The lower levels of these anabolic hormones decreases anabolic maternal synthesis and fat deposition, favoring nutrients to be used more for the developing placenta. There is also data in the literature that suggests that women who are underweight will experience less severe symptoms of morning sickness compared to women with a normal pre-pregnancy body mass index. It is postulated that in women that are underweight the increase in energy intake will result in elevated insulin levels leading to impaired placental development and therefore reduced production of placental hCG and thyroxine and less nausea and vomiting.
amandamoo: best wishes with your pregnancy, if you are concerned, ask your doc if not just enjoy it! i think everyone will have a different pregnancy story, bad morning sickness, no morning sickness....most important is mummy and baby are healthy!
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hmmm, not sure I feel any better after that Wheelymate ...I guess I'll just have to chill out. At least the boobs are still sore - if they weren't that's when I would really worry as it's the only symptom I have left...
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hey amandamoo,
the info was not intended to scare you (sorry if it did).
like i said, i was sick = healthy baby
lots of my friends and aunts, ZERO morning sickness = healthy babies too!
so don't worry, it'll be ok. most important is that you and baby are happy and healthy!!
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Hi Wheelymate - no worries! I know you weren't trying to scare me but that article still seems to reiterate the fact that throwing up is good - and the more often the better! I was slim before I got pregnant but I don't think I was underweight...I guess another point is I am not a sickly person in any way - not one single sick day in 5 years and I can't remember the last time I threw up (I do know it was alcohol induced though!). Do you think this has any bearing on not having morning sickness? Just a thought...
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NO NO NO i had a very healthy baby and i had ZERO morning sickness. I got a little travel sick while pregnant and i got really tired but that was it. My baby (now 6mths) is stillvery healthy. Please try not to worry you will make yourself sick!
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Amandamoo - I have had zero morning sickness during my pregnancy and I didn't have sore boobs either. In fact I had no idea I was preggers at all until I finally realised at 7 weeks that I hadn't had a period for a while. The day I took the pregnancy test I had just an 80min rugby match.
Despite all that the pregnancy has progressed nicely.
So, my point is, everyone experiences pregnancy differently. Some women get deathly sick, some get nothing at all and others fall somewhere in between. Instead of worrying you should be pleased that you are one of the lucky ones.
I am now 34 weeks and have a healthy, active baby. And by the measurements the doc took last week, it could be a whopper, lol!
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Thanks everyone for your responses! I;m not going to worry any more. i'll let you know how my scan goes on the 22nd! Vulvic - not long to go now! All the best..
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Good luck with your scan Amandamoo, once you see your little 'un on the screen you'll have no more worries. Sounds to me like you're doing just fine.
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19 yrs ago
not wanting to read too much into the article but it's a scary one for me.... coz I was underweight with my first (no morning sickness or anything) and she came early due to placenta previa.
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just relax!!!..............I had no morning sickness,no cramping,not really any soreness with my boobs,nothing but did not fit into any of my clothes after 6 weeks.....I now have a healthy baby boy who is 2 months and just so beautiful.....I am sure it will all be ok.
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Hi All - just wanted to let you know that I had my scan yesterday and everything looks perfect! It was amazing...i thought the image would be really grainy but it was so clear - I could see the head, the bottom, spine, little arms and legs and a very strong heartbeat! "It" even moved for me! What a relief..can't wait for the next one now in three weeks time..
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Fantastic news! You must be sooooo relieved! Enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. If you've gotten this far, you'll be fine!
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