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19 yrs ago
Can anyone tell me how Braxton Hicks feel like? I am approaching Week 29 and feel that baby's more active than ever, prob due to lack of space. Apart from kicking I have sensation of him moving/ turning which I reckon if it's in fact - contraction. How can I divide baby's movement from Braxton Hicks? How did it start off (contraction from top to bottom??) By when would I start feeling that and how does it progress to real contractions during labour? Please share your experience! Thx!
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19 yrs ago
It feels like the whole stomach tightens. It isn't really painful. It can become a little uncomfortable when you get really large because you cramp right up so that you have to stop walking or if you were sitting down have to wait until if is finished to get up.
It is not at all like the baby turning - that just feels tight.
They start quite weak - you don't really notice at all. Later they get stronger and more often - but I don't ever remember them hurting except for a feeling of discomfort.
They are great because it is your uterus limbering up for the real deal. The more you get, the more in practice your uterus will be for the labour.
They are not related to real contractions. Real contractions you really will know when they start - the pain starts when, as well as the uterus, the cervix starts to contract and dilate, which does not occur in Braxton Hicks.
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Am getting BH now every day. Your desccription is spot on Sub, that is exactly how mine feel.
Am 35 weeks and had a check-up today, doc reckons the baby will come in 2 weeks time!! Have been frantically packing the hospital bag and tidying stuff away. Hubby and I are excited and dazed, lol.
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Vulvic, you must be so excited!
I loved my Braxton Hicks contractions, they felt really good to me -- a gentle tightening.
I remember asking Louise ay Annerley how I would be able to tell the difference between BH and real contractions, because I have a pretty high pain tolerance. What a fool I was! Now that I have gone through labour, I can tell you that there is definitely no way you can mistake the two!
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I am excited and now a little panicked!
I had planned to start maternity leave at the end of this month amd had 3 weeks to complete my work handover. Have now told personnel and they want me to take it now! Have so much to do so have reached a compromise - will come in at 10am (by taxi, have been bussing and MTRing it until this morning) and leave around 5pm or whenever I feel tired. Can then go home and work from home if I need to.
So looks like I will start maternity next Monday.
Couldn't sleep last night as had BH contractions for an hour and starting worrying that the bubs would come sooner. Feel like a zombie today, lol!
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Your work sounds really supportive -- good for you! My work phoned me every day for 10 days after my baby was born. I suppose I did leave them in a lurch since he arrived so unexpectedly, but still! Hubby was fuming!
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That is terrible! I would be pretty p'd off aswell. At the end of the day the baby will come when it's ready. I'm just lucky I got a bit of a warning from the doc. I take his word as gospel, he knows his stuff and he kept repeating 'pack your hospital bag tonight', lol.
Luckily we are all sorted at home, I go things ready really early on. I just had a feeling that things would happen sooner. Also everyone keeps asking me if I am having twins, ha ha.
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Your doctor sounds really on the ball. Who are you seeing again?
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Good luck vulvic, the long wait will finally be over. Mine is still 9 more weeks to go!
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Dr Danny Kong. What alarmed was that he said it before he even examined me. He then re-iterated it after the examination
I now keep looking in the mirror to see if I have 'dropped' or something, lol.
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Wow. He is good! I was very happy with my private doc. until I was 4 weeks early and he seemed as surprised as I was!
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I can see why you might lose faith a bit if he couldn't see that things were 'moving along'.
It's all a bit of guessing game but there are certianly little signs that point to the onset of labour, unfortunately they are only relevant with hindsight.
That said, I have noticed a dramatic drop of 5lbs in my weight the last 3days and have also started up with the runs this morning that I can't attribute to anything I have eaten. Could be something and nothing.
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You are clearly prepared for your little one's arrival, so it probably won't alarm you too much to hear that I had unusually runny poos for a couple of days in the run up to going into labour! It's all happening now :-)
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Mayafox, I do remeber you saying that in one of your posts and that is what sparked something in my mind.
No appearance as yet but am def starting to feel more tired now and am taking naps in the afternoon.
Am now just looking forward to meeting baby!
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