Positive Test

Posted by Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Hi there,

OK..pretty sure I am pregnant - just took 4 tests (to be sure), 3 are positive and the 4th doesn't seem to be showing anything.

If I am pregnant it's only by a month, so when do I visit the doctor? Should I wait another month?

This is our first, so a little unsure.

My husband is on his way back from a business trip and I don't want to call my family or girlfriends as I know about the 3 month thing.

Oh lordy...feel like a champagne..d'oh :)

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
just stay calm & starts to eat healthy especially FOLIC ACID from your GP doc...

1) Had complete bed rest & doing light yoga could


2) Do not drink Pineapple, don't eat durian, don't cut nails on bed.

Advises from my colleague who just delivers baby girl.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
thanks Poseidon, trying to stay calm, watching TV..thoughts are racing a bit though. Very exciting...is it possible to have 3 false positives ?

Never heard the pineapple, nail thing...:)

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Thanks Cara, Congratulations on #2 !!!

I think I am only 3-5 weeks pregnant(so only just). Medical history is not a concern, no hypertension etc. So I wasn't sure if I should go to the doctor now or wait a month or so.

My mind is playing tricks now... are 3 false positives possible?

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I gotcha :)

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my thoughts 19 yrs ago
No, 3 false positives shouldn't be possible. But if you're unsure, go to your ob and have a blood test done which will confirm the elevated HCG levels of pregnancy. Otherwise, you'll want to go in sometime 6-7 weeks (ask your ob) to see heartbeat and confirm how far along you are.

And, as poseidon said, if you aren't already, start taking a good pregnancy multivitamin like Materna with folic acid.

Congratulations :-)

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I have been taking GNC's folic acid for a few months now.

My husband (who coincidently hasn't stop calling from the airport) has been taking Zinc for about a month. *Not sure if this matters.

Might go to the doctor in the next week or 2.

One other question...my stomacg has been crampy for about a day, thought it was my period. Is that a symptpn...or perhaps it's my fabulous cooking :)

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Perthites 19 yrs ago
congrats how exciting, how sweet of your hubby to keep calling, your baby is already very well loved!

Yes the cramping is a pregnancy sign so don't worry although i really can't comment on your cooking!!!

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Kwis 19 yrs ago
Congratulations, Gabriella! How exciting!

About going to the doctor's... For your own peace of mind, do go, but if everything is okay, see if you can hold off going until at least the 7th week or so (just to save on the doctor's fee) and also so that you'll be at a stage where your doctor can perform an ultrasound and you will get 'live' confirmation of your pregnancy. I went on my 5th week to a private Gyn/OB and pretty much just got assurance that everything is fine, but no ultrasound as it was too early for him to detect anything. I did 2 pregnancy tests and both were positive, and as this is my 2nd pregnancy, I "knew" I was pregnant; just jumped the gun a bit and went to the doctor's a bit too early. Had to pay the expensive fee just for a little check up to assure that everything is alright. If you register at the public hospital for ante-natal check-ups, they probably won't even schedule you for the first one until your 8th week. Anyway... good luck!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Hang the cost, I'd go to the docs with hubby just so you can hear the doc say that you are pregnant! Congratulations Gabriella!!!!

There is nothing more exciting than your first ultrasound. I cried during mine even though it was only a big picture of the yolk sack - not much going on - but to me it was beautiful.

I must say right now that I am a complete softie and cry at the drop of the hat so don't take this as 'normal' behaviour.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Hi there,

Thanks every one for your support and kind posts.

I didn't sleep that well last night as I was so excited.

Bought another 2 tests this morning, tested again when I got to work (all positive) just to make sure I hadn't played a trick on myself.

Then visited the doctor for a blood test and shall have the results this afternoon. Think I should be sure then.

I'm only about a month so very easly days, but it is the first one - hence the excitement.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Ha ha so that's 6 tests now. I do hope you'll be convinced when the doc comes back with the results. By the sound of it you are completely and utterly up the duff.

I know how you are feeling though, I couldn't quite believe it was real until I started to outgrow my jeans!

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Yes, 6 tests :)

I think I will believe it when I hear back from the doctor this afternoon.

Oh....maybe at the first ultrasound :)

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I had that moment...not with the faint colouration...but I checked the Clearblue pack a couple of times to see if the cross meant 'yes' or neagtive.

Then I tried a different brand - a cheaper one...S (something)...that has the 2 lines if you are. That one takes a little longe and the second line seemed to bleed into the other *(that was my faulty one...then again maybe the other 5 positives were faulty :)

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
LOL! You are def preggers, and more than a little nutty!

It's a great feeling when you find out and finally accept the positive result.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Yes, have been a little out of charactor the last few days ...nutty would sum it up. I'm normally fairly calm.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Well you say goodbye to that once the hormones kick in, ha ha !

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Nicher 19 yrs ago
I thought if it goes positive it can't be wrong. The more expensive it is doesn't mean the more reliable it is. The first time I did the test I deliberately bought an expensive one and the test was negative. Then I bought 2 cheap ones and turned out they both went positive. Can't be wrong. I'll having my baby in 10 weeks.

Still remember my first ultrasound at 5 weeks. Saw nothing but a small egg yolk there. I was calm, but hubby cried :)

Good luck Gabriella. You have all reasons to be excited now... and yes, before hormones kick in!

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
The doctor just called and confirmed that I am pregnant. She thinks it's about 4 - 4.5 weeks and said to wait until the 6th week for an ultra sound.

I guess I can believe it now...YAY!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago

No more pregnancy tests though, even if you are just trying to be extra, extra sure, lol!

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
By the way,

Anyone could share their special recipe to hold pregnancy ?


Congrats Gabriella

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firsttimemom 19 yrs ago
LOL! 6 tests! I thought I was bad enough with two!! Congratulations!! The first thing everyone told me was ENJOY your pregnancy, and I did! Truly I did, I loved every moment, even the crap ones LOL.

I remember about 11 months ago now when I got pregnant and how supportive this board was! In the first three months I would go haring off to the docs for any small thing, then I started to relax and really get into it.

So have a fun ride!


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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Yes, 6 tests...I shook the first two in disbelief and checked to see if they were broken :)

We have been TTC for 5 months and everyone told me that it would take a year. Hence the happy surprise.

I have noticed a few changes though and am not sure whether it is psychosyematic...boobs look a little bigger, the toilet trips are on an increase, a little crampy (tad windy : 'Pretending it wasn't me ...then looking disdainfully at the person next to me, seems to work). No cravings or anything though (doesn't that happen at 6 weeks?).

I'm not the best with secrets...so how on earth am I going to keep quiet for another 2 months!

My husband and this board are my only outlets at the moment.

At work I am working with my team on a 2006 / 7 strategy and thinking...hmmm...when do I tell them I won't be here for this or that?

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I was convinced it would take a year. My husband started taken a zinc a month ago on his best friends recommendation. He's convinced it's the zinc that did it :)

I had my last period on July 16th, so Cara I think you and I must be similar.

I'm a bit of an exercise bunny - spin, long distance walks (20-25 km on the weekend). The doctor said my fitness was a good thing, but to throw in some yoga.

Workwise...love my job (so don't have the added stress of being in a role / company I don't like), team is great. Having said that I have 4 business trips to take before December. Early, '07 is even busier...hmmm..delegation might be my friend methinks.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
When does that start?

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
That sounds terrible, you poor thing. Does ginger tea help?

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I was up at The Peak Lookout last night and I spotted the new Burger King...I love their whopper burgers...was very tempted to go there instead of the Peak. I'm all class :)

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
there's one at the airport :)

I am sure I could smell the Burger King up at the Lookout last night. One of my colleagues mentioned the cheese / chicken buger (I don't know that one)...have to say the whooper with cheese is my favourite treat. Must be lunchtime...just made myself hungry :)

McD's, KFC etc. are in the shadow of th mighty whopper...

ok la...time for me to go grab a salad :)

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago

congrats. i did many tests too...about 3 the first weekend and actually one more when i was 8 weeks, the morning i went to see my gynae for the 1st time just to be sure, hahaha!

re poseidon's comments about nails, pineapples, etc: i think she is referring to old wives tales about what not to do during pregnancy. think the chinese believe (had some many friends horrified to see me eating pineapples) that pineapples will result in a miscarraige. chinese tv melodramas used to portray young unwed mums trying to abort their babies by stuffing their faces with tons of pineapples. that said, while i did eat pineapples and have a very healthy boy, i'm not about to eat too much of it, would cause indigestion! stick to health advice on books about what danger foods to avoid - e.g. unpasteurised cheeses because of listeria risks, cold cuts/raw eggs for samoenella.

nail cutting in bed: not sure about this either, but maybe related to another old wives' tales about sewing/cutting in bed would cause your baby to have a cleft palate.

the list goes on: how eating crabs would cause you to have a very fidgety and naughty baby, etc....

good luck tih your pregnancy. i didn't read too much into old wives tales, it only adds to your pregnancy stress. but totally agree with poseidon's advice to rest well, do some light prenatal yoga and take folic acid!!

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hiih 19 yrs ago
congrats to gabriella. im not that lucky. my period due on today n i hv a '-' result this morning. we hv been trying for 7 cycles, still no luck. enjoy yr pregnancy! hey, u hv mentioned that your husband take zinc, where to get it n how does it help? im v depress today, should go out n do shopping.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Hi Hiih, I am sorry that you are not pregnant this cycle, but hang in there.

I don't want to say that catergorically zinc will work - as I don't know. But I don't think it would hurt...My husband started taking zinc 6 weeks ago (Blackmores,Bio Zinc, he takes 1 a day). His best friend recommended to him (he's just had baby #2) and prior to that the best friends doctor recommended that he take a zinc supplement. The change that I noticed that there was a lot more fluid / sperm.

I have to take a shower now...cut my 25 KM run / walk to 15 KM today, which is my way of cutting back:)

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ears 19 yrs ago
I hope the pineapple warning really is an old wives' tale, because I've been a few chunks of pineapple everyday for the past few months while TTC.

I read in Dr. Randine Lewis's Chinese medicine book "The Infertility Cure" that those TTC should eat fresh pineapple because it contains an enzyme which helps with implanation.

My doctor told to me to stay away from papaya and aubergines when TTC and pregnant. Apparently papaya was and still used as an agent for abortions in India. As for men, my Chinese doc told my husband not to eat celery. She says it could depress sperm count.

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Have heard about avoiding Papaya whilst preggers but not pineapple. Incidentally fish and papaya soup is recommended for new mums as it helps with the body's recovery after labour.

I think some of the old wives tales are to be taken with a pinch of salt. I did have one girl in the office that told me I shouldn't eat chocolate whilst preggers as I would have a brown baby, I laughed until I realised she was serious.

Good luck Gabriella.

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Nicher 19 yrs ago
Things I was told to avoid as follows - no concrete scientific evidence though:

Meat to avoid: crab, prawns (the high protein may cause skin allergy in baby), duck, goose, lamb (Chinese believe these are 'poison' meat which is again, bad to the skin)

Fruits to avoid: banana, pineapple, mango, water melon

Things to avoid (totally ridiculous): Nail a nail anywhere in your house (there will be a scar on baby's head), put scissors next to bed (baby will come out with cleft lip)

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
I always wonder how these superstitions start. All cultures have them and they often have some grain of sense to them although they get a little warped over time.

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Hi everybody, Congrats Gabriella!

The list of do's and don'ts seems to vary widely from place to place

indians say - no papaya, no pineapple, no travelling, no sex :((((

chinese friends tell me: no durian, no mangoes, no bananas, no watermelon, no crabs, no spicy food (help!!) - no moving house, renovation or buying new furniture.

Italians: Avoid raw veggies, and fruits to be eaten with the peal -like cherries!!!!!!!

indonesian friends: Nothing fizzy!

The Doc: No ice cream, raw meat & fish, papaya, uncooked cheese etc.

I've kind of taken some advice and left out others.

As for chocolates and brown babies - amazingly enough i'm off chocolate but certainly hoping my baby's going to come out a nice shade of brown and not too pale like his / her papa.

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Dani R 19 yrs ago
I read that crab (cooked of course) is highly nutritious for pregnant women, due to it's high content of protein and zinc which is important in keeping a healthy immune system and cell replication, and has low-mercury levels compared with other seafood. I love crab and have eaten it in my pregnancy (I was in Alaska and really indulged in their delish king crab legs).

Unless this 'advice' is backed up by scientific evidence, really, they are just old wives' tales and add undue stress to expectant moms. I find the comments on the chocolate downright ridiculous! Pregnancy should be something to enjoy!! There will be plenty of things to worry about later. Keep on eatin', ladies! :)

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ozdb 19 yrs ago
Congratulations Gabriella! I know how exciting this time is for you. I am 9 wks along with baby #2 and couldn't really believe it until this morning when I had my first scan and saw the heartbeat.

Cara, I'm in DB too and your talk of Burger King made me crave a big juicy whopper!

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I haven't had the BK urge yet - but had the chocolate muffin need today. Then I had a quiche need..

I found my average of 3 grande coffees hard to give up the first couple of days...but think I have found a substitute in ginger tea. Is that ok to drink 3 or 4 times a day?

I also have a pimple that can be seen from Moon right slap dab in the middle of my chin...it's quite a becon. Guess the hormones are on the move.

Bit nervous on the food you can and can't eat - heard about crabs, cold cuts, cheese, some fruit. It would be very easy to become neurotic :)

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ozdb 19 yrs ago
I agree it is easy to get neurotic about nutrition and food choices. It might help to find a guide you trust and go with that. One helpful website: http://www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/pregnancynutrition/index

Cara, unfortunately, the BK run is not going to work out today. But, I'm interested in making it soon and finding out more about the minibus from citysuper.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
thank you for the site referral I'll take a look.

No food cravings or sickness yet....feel a tad bloated. I'm just 6 weeks - so when does morning sickness normally kick in?

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
well - don't hold your breath - it could start now or in a week's time.

Despite really wanting this pregnancy I must admit that the morning sickness, food aversions and exhaustion effectively put a damper on my mood.

I've completed 12 weeks now - can't wait to get past the 14 weeks when it's all supposed to eventually disappear.

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Nicher 19 yrs ago
My sickness didn't go away until 16 weeks too... but all of a sudden, before you realize it, it's gone! No more nausea, no more dizziness, everything's back to normal! But days before that did make me think whether I could go through this ever again for #2...

Anyway, for food intake, rule of thumb is to go moderate in everything you eat. For those people ask you to avoid, eat less frequent. Don't get neurotic because of that. You should enjoy your pregnancy!

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
I now think I understand the morning sickness situation.

I woke up fine, but from midday today I've barely been able to move except to the toilet. My stomach (straight under my rib cage) is cramping, the room is spinning and food ...ergh...food. I thought I was just going to be sick - but I have been going the other way also. Pretty much spent the afternoon in bed.

I hope it is not like this every day from now on.

I feel dreadfull - is there anything I can take to ease it? Enos?

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