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19 yrs ago
Anyone knows what should be eat after the Pelvic Laparoscopy surgery ?
I had taken:-
Day 1-6 after Discharge:-
Breakfast -
Whole grain bread + kiwi fruits
Lunch -
Fish (wu yu) porridge cook fresh with ma yau - no rashes.
Dinner -
Fish ball vicemille noodles - a bit rashes on ear.
Day 7
1st checkup & apply Triderm cream by doctor;-
Rashes around stomach like chicken pox were notified.
Lunch -
Tried chicken whopper (burger king) - whole face
& stomach & thigh rashes.
Dinner -
Plain fish porridge with ma yau & lots of vegetables steam, still the same area of rashes.
Stop applying Triderm Cream as it says instructions as antifungal or antiseptic for primary & secondary infection skin.(Acceptable)
But, it also suppress your Adrenal Glands production, once apply for 1 or 2 weeks, you will develop withdrawal symptom like drug addiction like headache, heart pumping very fast.
Waliao !!!!
How come all the new meds given are causing me rashes ?? even next day after surgery discharge, IV injection site blue black, blood testing area blue black & skin peeling too.....
Anyone experience rashes or skin peeling after discharge ?
What should not be eat ?? anyone ?
Cashew nuts,
fish ball,
Chicken Whopper,
what else ?
can I eat....wooooo for how long I could start my regular solid food ?
I love Sakura Japanese buffet, afterall after this Pelvic surgery, I had lost 7kg.....Help !!!
BMI is 20.78 only from 24.34. Is IT NormAL ?
Try Kicking floor mat after 9days, or lifting standing fan, feels internal pain & blue black around ovarian drilling outer skin...IS IT Normal ?
I had raise question to my doc, he's say that I could had my menses naturally start from sep 06 for the first time (Natural w/out Pills),
Could be pregnant anytime after Sept 06....
But, we had booked our ticket to my sister wedding on NOV 06 & he advise that the trip should be cancelled as first 3 mths are very vulnerable to miscarriage, food poisoning, vomit, internal bleeding.....etc. (SO SCARY) !!!
Anyone could share experience for the care after Laparoscopy Surgery ? help !!!
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Hi simplewife,
I feels better now, after all the suture thread is invisible & is absorbs by our body....
The rashes gone after apply prickly heat powder, & I stop using TRIDERM Cream as I think am allergic to one of 3 ingredients.
Preparations for surgery:-
No food or drink not even sip of water or sweets 8 hrs before surgery.
Admission done 1 night before next morning 9am or on the very morning if schedule at 4pm.
During Surgery:-
Change to Hospital Gown open back with all undies & bra remove. The undies hospital provided as disposable type (for me).
Mine surgery at 4pm but doc is busy upstairs & came down only, I had IV injected on left wrist (less painful than arm) & blood test done on right wrist (just 5 inches away from thumb).
Then, shaving at pubic, stomach & enema given by nurse to avoid injury to pubic skin & bowel....Don't do it at home it's too sharp to wear undies.
I was put on to sleep by IV anesthesia & gas probe thru throat. But, I had the assurance from my Anesthesia doctor by meeting him that he'll beside me & do the best to put me to sleep well (scared of PAIN)...
After Surgery:-
I had completely knockout after 3 of nurses put 4 piece of sticky heart monitor tape on shoulder & chest above breast, he's talking to me for 3-5 seconds, ask to close my eyes & really knock out....haha.
Then, After 1hr of investigation, put to recovery room beside Operation Theathre to monitor heart rates, breathing, bleeding & any complications (if rarely).
Next, Push out at 6.45pm to my room that I had register this morning. Knockout for till 7.30pm & slap by someone to wakeup. As my doctor is here to show me evidence photo requested before & after on registration for admission.
Knockout til 9.30pm, the first nurse came to measure blood pressure & check temperature appear normal 106/63 & 36.6 celcious.
knockout til 11.30pm, second nurse came to measure bloood pressure & check temperature appear normal 106/62 & 36.3 celcious.
Knockout again til 2am, third nurse came to me & slap politely to urge for urine, but I had nothing to eat / drink where got urine ?? fall asleep.
wake up 4am to ask for milo x 3 but were given 2 milo & plain water help yourself w straw by nurse.....pushing for urine again which I had complaint gastric & nothing to urinated on bed pot.
5am, Gastric really bad & doctor had order 4 packet of IV cum painkiller stronger for chest pain, ask for gastric tablet but I couldn't had it until I could had my first porridge 8am.
I had 2 nurses assisted to toilet with IV feels very groggy & at last urine & FART for 15 seconds becoz of Carbon Dioxide.
falls asleep again with eyemask, til 7.30am fifth nurse came to (ask for them) to help you wipe face, body & feets....they help you to change to your dress (1piece is good).
Back shoulder is start to pain & shun becoz of Carbon Dioxide & Anesthesia balance. Assisted by nurse to toilet again & still feels groggy & nausea.
8.30am vomitted on my first breakfast porridge advises should take only 5 mouth instead of 12 mouth as the side effects of anesthesia. IV injection is remove.
9.30am take a nap & wait for bills to ready. Discharge at 12.30pm next day....left only a bit blur blur but could walk slowly & straighten legs. Took a taxi home.
Makesure someone care for you next day after discharge as you won't be able to walk steadily & might fall down even little sip of water on floor at least 48 hrs.
Don't remove the bandage at least 4days later, you might take shower on 3rd day but for me (i wipe for 3 day) then shower & change my bandage.
Nothing much u could eat so far lost 5-7 kg for 1 week. only plain pork porridge. Disturb sleep by feeling aching around chest diaphram, bruises around pelvic skin above pubic hair mine only left side.
can't do housework yet as kicking on floor mat also pain on pelvic, only could walk straight after about 1 week....walk more often & drink lots of plain water could help to release the balance Carbon Dioxide....
Put lots of pillow under your leg, Put to sleep on high pillow to support neck & try to turn as often to relieve the stiffness of waist & shoulder...
As you knows fishes does triggers rashes, peanut like cashew or kai xin guo also very poisonous, chicken whopper too heaty i think, ma yau oily food & fried food to avoid for rashes like pimples on face, stomach & thigh area.
****** Opt to stay 1 night for nurses monitoring of fever & blood pressure & (if) any complication***************
I am recover more & more each day....
Drink fruit juices / milk & fresh fruit could help to boost fertility next month, KIWI fruit to relieve constipation. (NO Beef stuff).
GOOD LUCK simplewife.
How old are you by the way ?
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Yes, in private hospital you get to see your doc 1 to 1 instead of public cheaper with subsidise but medication are half & cheaper less effective for pain management.
For private you get specific care once you press bell, you'll be attend in 5- 8 mins.
For fibroids, how large is it thru u/scan ?
wow, so envy that you had 2 kids liao, no PCOS conditions ? only pure fibroids from natural menses, is normal coz you tends to have lots of progesterone, where PCO/S (me) have higher male hormone, insulin resistance, & thicker eyebrows (guan gong mei)......
So, next month you had lapro surgery. Try to keep your weight to lesser by gym workout (Trunk & YOGA) says 3kg for fast stomach muscle recovery.
Wishes you good luck & stay happy
could help for quick recovery.
Me feels better even could sneeze & laugh liao.
lots of gas (carbon dioxide) gone liao.
had my diarrhea stop & back to normal pass motion.
BUT of course needs lots of fresh fruits (Vit C)to do the magic work.
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18 yrs ago
Simple wife, did you have an HSG test before the laparascopy? According to my HSG, my tubes are patent (clear) but I am wondering if I may have some blockage that the HSG cannot detect. I have been trying for 3 years and I have never been pregnant.
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Dear Simplewife,
Think for your case tube blocked can only detected by Laparoscopy....right tube even open by surgery left tube blocked (mostly) IVF to achieve pregnancy...with lots of bed rest to prevent incompetent cervix or weak cervix.
I am fine now with 2 scar like scratch on left & right pelvic...painless liao.
I can eat crabs, prawn & seaweed without feeling so itchy after 1.3 mths.
I still haven't start BD with DH, my menses still haven't arrive, WONDER ANYONE knows should I start to take Progesterone pills, Clomid, & Metformin again ? : (
pls advise ^-^
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hi simplewife,
i don't feel my va*g*na is falling; but for the 1st 3 weeks I do go to toilet a lot every 1/2 hrs coz my ankle swells pain to reminds me for toilet as I don't really feels going toilet to pee or pass m*ti*n.
But the nurse do give advises to go toilet during hospital stay during my 24 hrs stay there every half an hours give reminder to try ! try ! try !!!! so shy....
I do have 3 wounds plus navel; its invisible now only with e very small 1 inch soluble threads left behinds.
overall, i do have PCOS confirm & still waiting for my aunty menses to come; haven't BD with DH yet coz afraid of infections.
DID your doctor given anyone of you 'TRIDERM CREAM' for infection prevention.
pls advise.
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i had my v*g*na discharge with light menses for 6days.
then, almost 2 months went for 2nd appointment with assessment on v*g*na scan & taken clomid for 5 days ......started to BD with DH on exact 2 mths.
wonder when will the conception took place...temperature higher than normal days 36.0 But, with clomid 35.5......hopefully this time i could hit my jackpot .
Wonder anyone taken clomid after surgery becoz no menses after 2 mths recuperation ?
What are the success rate of pregnancy for taking clomid after laparoscopy ?
How long to wait for pregnancy test 9 days after taken clomid x 2 tablet ?
anyone has laparoscopy surgery, but the menses still absent after 2 mths with thin lining but only 2 eggs on each ovary U/Scan ?
anyone has experience PCOS symptom improve on ovary after surgery ?
instead of 6-8 eggs like necklace to 1-2 eggs on each ?
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hi simplewife,
so nice that your natural menses is here; so the next 2 mths could start BD after your first checkup u/scan.
My doctor says the menses would be delay 4-6weeks, but mine already 2 mths not AF. So he given me clomid pill x 2 tablets for ovulation.
I wonder why not regulate menses first before clomid; but he didn't tell why ?
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Hello Poseidon,
Hope you are fine and doing great. I am yet to undergo Pelvic Laparoscopy in another 2 days. I am so nervous and feeling uneasy. I haven't been to any surgery or medication yet and is first time for me. Please share me your experiences what is going to happen in the first, second and third week of surgery.
Will I be experiencing the pain after the surgery and what has the doctor advised you to do in similar situation. I feeling so concerned. I am loosing confidence too.
Does what is correct. If you have websites or videos which can help me understand the things please, please add them or send it to my email ID, Thank you so much.
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