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19 yrs ago
Hi ladies,
Any ladies out there can tell me how long did it take them to finished their initial period after birth? I don't know what's that call in english but is the blood that comes out after giving birth. Some people had it for 1 mths other had it for 1.5mths. Is that normal?
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19 yrs ago
Mine was about 5 weeks after each, although not that heavy after the 1st week.
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There are two types of maternity pads out there - one is self-adhesive and one with strings on each end. What is the difference between the two? Is it that one is used during labour (when water breaks) and one is used after delivery (for lochia)?
And does one need a special underwear for that?
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I used the self adhesive...for after...
the one with string, is used at the public hospitals. The give you a belt and loop up the one with strings onto it - this is right after birth. For one or two days you're in that, and then you can change to the self adhesive. MUCH easier to handle.
For prelabor - I didn't use anything. I didn't lose my water first - so I'm not a good person to ask.
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Hi HKCC - that's the one I'm talking about! I've been having check up at the public hospital and learnt about that string and loop thing. They said you'll need a special type of underwear (made of net??) to go with it.
Anyhow, I'm giving birth at private hospital and not sure if I'll be given the same pads/ I need to pack those in my hospital bag... And just thinking about the lochia will last for 6 weeks makes me faint *_*
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Nicher--I had no idea about any of this when I gave birth, fortunately, I went private and all I needed was handed to me, including, a stack of disposable net granny underwear with the loops, a stack of these thick pads with the tails, loads of diapers, disposable pads to put under baby etc etc etc. So see what your "package" includes.
I don't think ANY pad would have helped when my water broke....that took a few towels.
I switched to the self adhesive pads once I got home too, but was glad for the disposable granny underwear in the hospital--otherwise would have been throwing out tons of underwear. I needed the pads for quite a few weeks. All I was doing those early weeks was surviving anyway, between the frequent feeds, the broken sleep, breast pads, underwear's not such a sexy time.
And then, not that many months later, we're all wanting the chance to do it again :-)
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Those pads with the belt and loops sound like the old fashioned sanitary pads my mum used when she was a girl for her monthlies! I suppose whatever works. I think I saw some of the net knickers you mentioned at B2B and Mothercare. Guess I'd better invest in some.
Just went to see doc today. Have been advised to start walking uphill, lol!
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Congrats Vulvic! What week are you in now? Get ready and let us know when your bub arrives!!!
Thanks my thoughts. I just checked online that the package should include maternity pads, not sure about the granny underwear though :P
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Haha... My thoughts, you hit the nail on the head about feeling sexy during the early weeks! I was pretty unprepared for all the liquid flowing out of me one way or another -- it takes me twice as long to get dressed in the morning because I need to 'pad up' lol. Bubs is 6 weeks old now and I have only just put the pantyliners away. I have also been sweating like a builder (very becoming)... I guess all that water I retained throughout pregnancy had to go somewhere.
You can buy those attractive net panties in all of those little shops at the entrance of the Queen Mary. They are the only thing that seems to hold those giant maternity pads in place. Hubby and I were in hysterics when we saw the size of those pads, but my thoughts is right -- when my waters broke even those couldn't hold it all in!
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Nicher - am 37 weeks now. Took the dog for a walk this afternoon, dog is shattered and I am full of energy. My thighs are feeling sore though, as if I've had a really good workout - started with that on Sunday.
Will let you know if anything happens!
Mayafox - padding up, lol!! Am looking forward to getting rid of all the water -feel like a big melon at the moment.
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For the original poster: Watch out for clots and heavy bleeding. The lochia should taper off and not be like day 1 or 2 of a period for more than a week. If you have a fever and are passing clots, you could be experiencing an infection from retained placenta. I didn't know what the warning signs were and 3wks post partum had an emergency D&C & 3 units of blood transfused!
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I am breast feeding and on the mini pill I just got a period last week week 11 post doctor said that I should not get a period at all if I am breast feeding and on the mini pill at the same time. Has anyone else experienced getting a period while doing both of these things....could I get pregnant again if I am getting a period?
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I've done a fair amount of reading on this at one point....and yes, once you're ovulating again, as evidenced by your period, you could get pregnant. Frequent nighttime breastfeeds (e.g. co-sleepers) will slow down the return of ovulation and your period. I'm assuming the minipill is a birthcontrol it would prevent pregnancy, as usual. (It's safe to use while BF?)
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I was just wondering if my pill would be affective as my doctor had told me that I would not get a period at all.
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I was told by my doctor in Australia that it is safe whilst breast feeding and that I would not get any period at all while I am taking it and that it was 99% effective..(so why I got a period i dont know) however I am only giving bub 1 night time feed as he has started to sleep through already so maybe thats why I have my period.It would not be a problem if I did get pregnant again it's just a bit soon.
thanks for all your help.
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