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19 yrs ago
Anyone trying IVF in Shanghai?
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hi chinamiff, we are also looking into ivf in shanghai and so far we've been advised that ruijin hospital is an option. have you heard anything about their success rate or are there other clinics that we could contact? have you already gone through ivf in shanghai?
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following 4 failed attempts in UK, I cant get any more time off work, so any further treatments need to be done in Shanghai. Reading through this site it seems ruijin and ji ai clinics are mentioned, but I dont have any personal experience..except through phone calls where I get the distinct impression that at 39 I'm well over the hill for them,that you need to have a reasonable command of english (or a translator), and that maybe the clinic style is quite different to Europe
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I'm planning my first IUI next month, and have been to both Ji Ai Fertility Center and RuiJin Hospital. I've heard that Ji Ai Fertility Center has been in China the longest and they specialize in IVF. It's a very Chinese medical center though - long lines, many patients, strict policy, and staff with min/no English. The doctor I was referred to spoke fluent English, but she didn't (do what I tell you) or couldn't (too many patients) take the time to explain the treatment options/plan. I heard that a wait list for IVF is 4 months there. The doctor Ji Ai said they may not have the best service and facility, but they are the best in China and also the cheapest option. I ended up switching to RuiJin hospital for several reasons: 1) the doctor in RuiJin was more flexible, clearly explained the treatment plan, and gave me a choice between natural vs. induced cycle. The doctor at Ji Ai wanted to put me on several fertility inducing medications right away. (without even telling me what they are) She also straight out and said that I'm too old at age 37 for natural cycle IUIs. She may be right, but a bit harsh. Plus, the natural cycle was also recommended by a specialist I saw in the U.S. 2) although i have not been to the Ruijin IVF center in Pudong, the medical clinic in Puxi was more organized than Ji Ai, had much much less people, and the staff there were helpful and spoke English. I'm hoping that their IVF center in Pudong is just as nice. Good luck to all of you!
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Hi nmc398,
Could you please give more information about Ruijin Hospital's Fertility Clinic? Maybe phone no, name of the doctor etc. Is it the one on Ruijin 2 Rd.?
I am also looking for options. I went for several tests to Second Military Medical University Reproductive Medicine Center Changhai Hospital. It is quite far, in Yangpu district(where Fudan Uni. is located). Everything is in Chinese, even the doctors' English level is very poor. The only advantage is that it is very quite and reasonable priced. I am at the moment looking for IUI options, therefore this place seemed to be enough. But I would be to scared to try IVF with that little communication. So, please other options?
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18 yrs ago
Just to share my experience with Ruidong Hospital. Hospital is clean & orderly. I went to the international section for foreigners but they referred me to go directly to the 4th floor Fertility & IVF Center for related matters. I saw
Dr Huang, a professor who does IVF almost on a daily basis so that's a lot of experience. She's pretty nice, and somewhat cheerful which is great if you're dreading going to the doctor's like me. We'll be trying medication first. Wish me the best
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Hi nmc389,
Do you know any good ivf specialist in JiAi or Ruijin? I heard that these two big hospitals are quite reliable, but I dont know any good doctors. Please help, thks so much!
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18 yrs ago
Hi wishmeluck,
Yesterday Ruidong Hospital informed me that they will be consolidating the Fertility & IVF center to Ruijin Hospital sometime in June. All patients are advised to move along to Ruijin. Thus I went over to pick up my medication, Ruijin is huge, several new buildings in a large compound, very up to standard, the best I've seen in Shanghai (compared to the other 3 IVF centers Jiai, Renji & Ruidong). I'm seeing Dr Huang, better call first if you plan to go as she currently still rotates between Ruidong & Ruijin.
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Thanks minoi, I went to Jiai hospital today. It's quite clean compared with the local hospital but still it's very local. No foreigner was seen there. The doctor doesnt really speak English. I've never visited Ruijin nor Ruidong IVF clinic yet, can you tell me the telephone no? What is the full name of Dr. Huang? Have you started the IVF with her now? Do you know whether in shanghai there is any IVF support group? thks thks a lot.
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18 yrs ago
wishmeluck, I only have the telephone no of Ruidong Hospital main line: 58339595,ask the operator to transfer you to 4th Floor Fertility & IVF Center. Don't have the full name of Dr Huang, but there's only 1 Dr Huang there. I'm trying medication first but she'll still be monitoring my ovulation progress. Don't know if there's any support group for IVF/TTC (trying to conceive), I wish there was, it will be so helpful to share experiences. Maybe we should start one.
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Dear minoi, thks. I'll try to call. In countries like Hk or Sin, there are many IVF/TTC support group. But in China, I think there are some but for local. I agree with you, we should start one, Chinese/English.
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18 yrs ago
I have to go to Ruidong sometime next week to do a blood test on day3 of my period. I'll tel the hospital when my period comes and make an appointment to see Dr Huang. You can come as a walk in patient on that same day if you want to have moral support for the first visit.
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Hi all,
I would like to share my experinece here. I am from Hk, now living in SH and I had one failed IVF 2 years ago in Singapore.
I consulted a doctor (Dr. Dong) in SH JiAi in March 07. I waited for 2 hours and only saw her for less than 10 mins.
She suggested me on natural cycle and I think they will have this kind of serivce. I prepare myself having IVF with this doctor and Jiai. However, when I saw her again on 9th May, she told me they won't perform natural cycle in Jiai and refer me to a dcotor in Towako International medical center in Hua Shan Rd if I opt for natural cycle.
I went to this center and to my suprise it's really clean & orderly. Staffs speaks mandarin and Japanese (not sure whether they can speak Eng as no foreigner patients) I spoke to the doctor for an hour and discussed different options for my case, really reassuring. In addition, they have Chinese TCM dept, I started my acupuncture as well.
I am nto sure whether I find the right clinic and right doctor, but at least I feel more comfortable with this clinic than Jiai. Wish me luck. i'll start my cycle in end of June.
Wish you all have luck!!!
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Hi Puikei,
I went to see dr Dong at Jiai as well on May 9 (perhaps just after you left the room). In fact, she was introduced to me by a doctor in Towako Clinic whom I know very well since my first IVF in Sha. I planned to do my IVF in this clinic but they are now not under normal practice coz the only doctor who is experienced in this natural cycle (blastocyst) will be off duty for some time for medical surgery herself. If you need more info, feel free to write me privately at
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Hi Minoi, it's a good idea, I need to compare before deciding my next IVF. As soon as you know, plz tell me the day you are going to the hospital. thks.
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18 yrs ago
Puikei, Wishmeluck,
do we want to start a weekly/monthly meeting to share our experiences on IVF-TTC to encourage/support each other?
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Yes Minoi, it will be very useful to share experiences and encourage each other. Let's do!
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Hi Wishmeluck, Minoi,
It's a good idea to get together to share our experience,information, stress, frustration........
Shall we do it next week? I'll be free on Tue, Wed and Fri.
Wishmeluck, Dr. Shi in Towoko did tell me that she would undergo surgery in end of May and she would be back in Mid Jun. Anyway, we can chat in detail when we get together.
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Puikei, where do you have your acupuncture treatment? I am very scared of needle. Does it help? Next week will be nice for a meeting. Minoi, any idea?
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18 yrs ago
Sure, how about Tuesday coffee at Starbucks?
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18 yrs ago
hi gals,
So if I want to explore IUI and IVF in SH, I should try to go to Ruijin, right? (based on your conversation in this thread). So do you suggest I wait until June when they have moved? Any number that I can call and make appointment now?
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Hi Wishmeluck & Minoi,
Next Tue is for me. How about starbucks at Shanghai City center in Hong qiao? Either morning or afternoon will be fine for me.
WishmeLuck, I have the acupuncture treatment at Towoko clinic. They have Chinese Medicine department there. I am not sure whehter it helps or not but there was study to show that acupunture did help IVF (improve egg quality, improve the uterine lining........). I have a very good book, really comprehensive: The infertility cure by Randine Lewis, will bring along next Tue so that you can have a look.
kvdm, if you are interested, feel free to join us next Tue. We are all exploring this treatment/service in SH.
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Hey gals, I'm far away in pudong, do you mind if we meet some place in the middle, say starbucks xintiandi? What time? 2pm?
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18 yrs ago
Hi gals, I'm afraid I can't join you guys if it's during daytime on a weekday. I have to go to work :-S So if you can give me info here, it'd be great. I think I know the book Puikei is referring to, I have it too and find it pretty interesting and informative. I ordered it online thru Amazon.
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18 yrs ago
I'm at Pudong too, so Starbucks in Superbrand Mall is best. If it's too far for you Puikei, Xintiandi is ok too but make it 2.30pm to give me enough time to get there.
I checked with Ruidong, Dr Huang 's full name is Huang Xiao Yan. She's at Ruidong on Mon, Wed, Fri. Next time I see her, I'll ask if she's at Ruijin on Tue & Thurs. Kvdm, I think it's probably better to go directly to Ruijin to avoid the hassle of moving soon plus Ruijin is a lot larger, newer & nicer. Wishmeluck, since you're in pudong like me, Ruidong is much more convenient.
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18 yrs ago
I'm still waiting, my cycle is so slow from 33-40days. As soon as it comes, I'll let you know. If you don't want to wait, it's ok if you go ahead to see Dr Huang in Ruidong. If you do, just try and see if you feel comfortable with her. Next, you can take a look at the facilities in Ruijin before deciding.
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kvdm, before you decide where to do yr ivf, you better visit and compare several hospitals and dr to get the feeling and info. So far, Towako is the best in terms of environment. But some dr said, Jiai is the most experienced one in sha. I'll visit ruidong/ruijin as well.
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gals, this tue i hv flexible time so i dont mind to meet after working hour, so kvdm can join if she wants. up2u gals!
minoi, if say in pudong, starbucks binjiangdadao near shangrila will be nice in this weather.
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minoi, how much is the cost for ivf in ruidong? where is the location of ruijin ivf clinic? any telp no? thks.
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I am living in Puxi but it's not a problem to travel to Superbrand mall. I am flexible on Tue as well. If Minoi is flexible as well, why don't we organise a dinner? It depends on the availability of Minoi and kvdm.
If not, I guess three of us can meet first at superbrand starbucks at 2pm next Tue, then, we can arrange another dinner or Sat tea time gathering next time with kvdm. How's that sound?
kvdm, here is the address of Ruijin hospital: 197, Ruijin Er road, tel: 64370045. please ask for transfer to the infertility clinic . The clinic is located in the out patient building but I forget which floor. hope this help.
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18 yrs ago
I'm all for Puikei's suggestion,cos I can't make it after working hours, how about next tue 2pm, and next time we can arrange a Sat gathering.
IVF in Ruidong should be about rmb30,000 so Ruijin probably costs the same, but better check to be sure.
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Hi all,
I am right in the middle of an IVF cycle at Ruidong. I was surprised no one mentioned Peace Maternity. Dr. Sun speaks excellent English and is very optimistic. They can offer basic IVF/ICSI services. Very very cheap too. About 18,000 rmb for IVF. However, we needed a treatment that only Ruidong has. You can easily get access to Ruidong by going through Worldlink. Ask for an appointment with the fertility doctor. Mine is Dr. Wang, very nice and excellent English too.
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18 yrs ago
hi gals, yeah, better for you guys to meet first because I will be traveling a lot in the next couple of weeks so don't wait for me (am in Harbin now).
bikini, Peace Maternity is the one in Xujiahui and in Chinese it's called Guofuying?
Actually, the doctors I've been seeing in SH has been regular Ob/Gyn. But we've been TTC for so long now that I think assisted reproductive technology needs to be explored. So for now, from this forum, it seems that these are worth considering, right?
- Ruijin (Dr. Huang)
- Peace Maternity (Dr. Sun) For Peace Maternity, is it part of the VIP floor or regular?
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Bikini, I had once in peace ivf clinic, and will never ever go back to that clinic forever. If you want, you can join our meeting on tue.
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Hi Minoi & wishmeluck,
As a result, we should meet at 2pm at Superbrand mall starbucks on next Tue. Please e-mail me your mobile number at so that we can contact exch other on that day.
See you soon!
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Hi kvdm,
Wishmeluck, minoi and me have met yesterday. It was really nice and we shared a lot. If you wich join us next time. Please e-mail to me at
Have a good day!!
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hi wishmeluck
I see that u posted the same comment in another thread about Int'l Peace Maternity. Please advise what's wrong with this IVF centre (esp Dr Sun Xiaoxi) as I kinda like the clinic. They told me come July, they will complete the renovation of their Guangyuan Road IVF centre, so even if I seek consultation at the beautiful VIP dept at the main building, I still have to go to Guangyuan building for the actual procedures. Each consultation at Guofuying VIP section is RMB500!!! But then, if I wanted the normal treatment with the locals, it'll give me a lot of headaches & stress at the level 1 queues:(
Also, I went to check out Ji'ai (集爱)next to 红房子 and was overwhelmed by the local crowds at level 1 and the chaos outside the hospital. They have no special VIP clinic for foreigners I was told. Anyone had positive experience with Ji'ai? I read many local forums talking about Ji'ai and know that many infertile couples from nearby provinces and towns come to seek help here, as it is reputed the BEST in East China. As such, the service has become quite impersonal and indifferent?! Will the large volume of patients' specimens result in "MIXED-UPS?!! LOL...
I also went to pay a visit to No.1 Women & Children Hospital (一妇婴) at Changle Rd. The hospital is tucked in a quiet cosy corner of that neighbourhood and the IVF dept at Level 6 seemed clean and small to me. The nurses advised that I go to the next door's VIP lounge which is "more suitable" for foreigners. I haven't heard/read any good reviews about No.1 hospital. Can anyone share with me more about their experience? No.1 Hospital has a VIP section at their Pudong branch but they dun provide IVF treatments there.
Of course, there is Ruijin Hospital which is very new and modern, in fact as new as Int'l Peace Maternity (国妇婴)at Xujiahui. There seems to be many reviews on this one here. Any idea if their IVF scientists and lab standards are good? The Ruidong nurses told me not to go to their Pudong branch as the IVF treatments are done in Puxi anyway.
I also went to Towako (永惠华)after reading someone's posting here. It's a typical Jap clinic with nice nurses. However, the fertility specialist Dr Shi is on sick leave, so I'm quite concerned if she'd be fit enough to treat me!! The treatments are also done in No.9 (九院)and I am worried that it'll waste a lot of time meeting the escorts at Huashan Rd (where Towako is) and travelling to No. 9 clinic. The NC-IVF package only consists of 2 tries and costs approx RMB25K. Becos it's based on your natural cycle, there'll only be one egg each mth for the IVF, meaning the probability is lower. They will abort the program and you waste one try I was told by the nurse. Personally, I do not have much faith in No.9 lab as I understand they only just got their license in this area, right?
I have not checked out Renji Hospital (仁济)becos I think it's very far from my place. The local forums also commented that it's a holistic hospital like Ruijin, so might not be perfect for IVF treatments, unlike the top 3 SH Obs/Gyn hospitals like Yifuying, Hongfangzi and Guofuying.
Anyone with comments? Thanks!
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I've just read some negative stories about Ruijin's IVF center. However, they are in Mandarin. Apparently, the doctor actually forgot that they were on the IVF-ICSI protocol. They went ahead with the 1st-generation IVF and wasted her embbies! Then, on her second try, the doctor allegedly used her as a guinea pig to try out a 'new' medication (Puregon) to induce ovulation.
可是11天后的今天,结果却是hcg 0.7。真不知道如何形容知道结果时候的心情。我没哭,我只是傻了,不知道今后的路该怎么走。
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Hi babydust,
Thanks a lot for sharing. In fact now we have a group of foreigners meeting once a week, you are welcome to join. Please email me at
Have a nice day!
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Hi, It's been about 3 months since I posted here. And, boy, am I suprised to find such active discussion here. I've been going to the Ruijin hospital in Pudong. (I guess it's called Ruidong) I have had two IUI so far without success. Both IUI were sub-optimal due to some communication issues around timing. Now, I discovered that I have an ovarian cyst from clomid/HCG from last cycle (first time I was ever on any fertility drug), and irregular bleeding which I never had before. I'm going to see the doctor today for further exams. I've been feeling pretty depressed and scared. But really glad to find you all here and to hear that you've started a group. I'll send a note to wishmeluck. Look forward to meeting you all.
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18 yrs ago
I am new to this support group. It is great! Has anyone done ICSI in Shanghai or Hong Kong? If yes, then which doctor & hospital did you use? Any further advice appreciated. Thanks.
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18 yrs ago
Hi, I am in IVF-ICSI Cycle in Shanghai RuiDong. after 2 failures ( 1 fresh and 1 with frozen embryos), I am thinking about combining with Acupuncture.
Anybody has recommendation on where to go?
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For acupuncture, try Hamsoa Clinic in Pudong, tel50587990, dr Yuan. He speaks Mandarin, French and some English.
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18 yrs ago
I am doing IVF in shanghai at Peacxe Hospital with Dr Sun. I have done 1 IVF ISCI and 1 FET and I am about to do my 2nd FET.
I would like to share experience with you.
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18 yrs ago
Thank you wish me luck.
I will contact him. Any experience on acupuncture benefit for UVF?
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18 yrs ago
I have done acuponcture before my IVF for ovulation stimulation. I have done it with DR Shao Lei, some of my friends get pregnant with him. He is working at Huashan hospital. I have contact him and will try acuponcture for my next IVF.
Which hospital are you doing your IVF ?
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Were both your IVF-ICSI and FET done by Dr Sun? I'm considering whether I should go to Peace Maternity...
HOPE2: Why don't you visit Longhua Hospital, the largest and most modern TCM hospital in SH?
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Hello girls Jul79, poj, HOPE2
I'll move to Shanghai from Paris in late August. I'll have to do ICSI. Would you like to share your experience, or meet in Shanghai to talk it over. Please wright at , would appreciate it a lot. Julia
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18 yrs ago
Hello Baby Dust,
Yes both IVF-ICSI and FET were done by Dr Sun.
Which hospital are you considering ?
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Hi Jul79
How was Dr Sun? You're not seeing him at the VIP section, I suppose? Well, I'm not sure if he is really that good although I know he heads the IVF department. He seems like a soft-spoken man.
How much did you spend so far?
I'm also considering Ji'ai but my hb is not comfortable with the long queues as he is a very busy man. We went to Peace and he found the queue there quite tolerable, esp if we go early.
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18 yrs ago
Hi Jul 79
I am going to Ruidong. It is quite clean, not really crowded. I will start IVF 2 in two months.
To Baby Dust,
Finally I started Chinese medecine to "prepare" my body for next IVF. Heard you get same results as for Acupuncture
To Yulika
I am out of Shanghai at that time, but I will try to email you. BTW Bienvenue a Shanghai
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Dear Wishmeluck and other team members,
So Good to know of your existence! I am still single, aged 37, and would like to go for the IVF to have a baby for myself. But my problem is that I cannot decide to get married before I am 100% sure, but my time is running out to be a mother. My question to you is: do you know whether a single woman is allowed to go through IVF in China? Do they require a marriage certificate before IVF?
Thanks for your answer.
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Hi beachsand,
I'm now having IVF in Jiai, they require us to show original marriage certificate and leave a copy in their file.
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Thank you so much for the info. Good luck to you!
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Hi all
These discussions are so helpful!
Has anyone had any success with IVF in shanghai? we are planning to have one but cant decide between ruijin or peace and maternity. Any advice will be appreciated.
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18 yrs ago
Hello Baby Dust,
I am just back from France and we had great holidays !
When I start my 1st IVF I was seeing Dr Sun at the VIP section because it was more clean and quicker, but when I start to have a lot of egg during the stimulation, the girl in the VIP was not used to check properly by ultra sound, so DR Sun suggests me to come to his hospital. It was not easy and I was so depressed when I saw this old hospital, I was so scared to do the egg ponction, but in fact the operation room was very clean and everything went ok.
The goods news is that the new hopital is much more convenient and nicer.
The consultation at the vip was 500 rmb but now it is only 15 rmb each consultation + ultrasond.
the ponction was 3000 rmb and embryon transfert 3000 rmb. the Culture 2000 rmb I think.
Now I am about to start my second frozen embryon transfert in the new hospital which is very clean and confortable compare to the old one.
I feel very relax and Happy with Dr Sun even if everything is not perfect. But I think in our country it will be the same. Unfortunatly it is not an exact science as we would like.
Hi Hope 2 ,
Where is Ruidong hospital ?
I hope I could meet you guys sometimes on tuesday, but I am working so it should be lunch time for me. let me know for next time.
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Any successful cases so far? my friend did the IVF in Hong Kong and it was very successful, I am not sure about shanghai, but I think should give it a try. Any good recommendations?
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Hi everyone,
I had a successful IVF in Shanghai with Ji Ai IVF and genetics center in 2006!
I was recommended to go there by a family doctor in Wordlink and also by a
gynecologist in Ruijin.
I think it's a good and efficient IVF center, the doctors are experts and the nurses are qualified, most of them are very nice, and the processes are routined and organised.
There is no VIP section but the rooms for consultation and examinations are private, clean and comfortable (kind of "semi-private" for ultrasound) and the rest of the environment is “ok”, better than a local Chinese hospital anyway.
The advantages are that they are specialized in IVF, their protocols are the same as in other countries, using the same kind of drugs (Gonal F, Triptorelin (Decapeptyl), Progynova, Duphaston, etc...) so you can crosscheck information on English websites.
The cost is "expensive" but far less than abroad, around 30000 rmb for a total IVF treatment, depending on how much drug you use and which procedure you need.
The few drawbacks: It is a purely Chinese environment. You need to speak Chinese to understand the process and instructions from the nurses (or bring a Chinese speaking close friend). FYI, Dr Dong (female) can speak English, enough to answer your questions on protocols and drugs.
After all, it is a center aimed to Chinese people, and though it is actually well organized, it seems to work like a Chinese hospital with a lot of patients around and not much privacy.
Also, the success of this center attracts a lot of patients from the whole East China region and the center is always crowded (but you can make appointments).
At first, as in many Chinese hospitals, I felt like I was just a "number" among the mass but afterwards I had a good relation with the doctors and nurses and they would recognized me every time I went there and were quite caring.
Actually all along my treatment, I've met women in the waiting corridor and it turned out to be a great opportunity to support each other and share our experience and worries about infertility treatments. Chinese people seem to have less taboo about their health problems than foreigners do, and that’s not so bad after all it's natural.
During my treatment I saw a Japanese woman (38y) with her boy (6y) having IVF for a second child after her first successful child at Ji’ai. It was very encouraging :)
I had the standard protocol: stimulation, retrieval, ICSI, and transfer.
At the end of my ICSI, the numbers and quality of fertilized eggs were outstanding but I had an overstimulation (OHSS) and the doctor thought it was wiser not to make the transfer; the “fresh” eggs went to frozen storage.
The month after I had a FET on natural cycle (frozen embryo transfer, 2 eggs from a batch of 3) that failed.
The second FET (3 eggs from a batch of 4) the month after was a success and we have twins now!
After my pregnancy, I heard about many successful IVF made by Ji Ai and one case by Ruidong also. I didn’t know Peace hospital had IVF services.
I had visited Ruidong IVF center before Ji Ai but the place was too far for me (I live downtown in Puxi) and seemed really empty on both times I went there.
Having an IVF is never a pleasant experience; besides the emotional stress, time consuming treatment, you have to undergo looots of drugs taking (mainly shots!), blood sampling, ultrasounds, etc…but at the end it’s worth it!
I hope this will help people searching for information on IVF in Shanghai.
Keep having hope, having a baby is possible!
If you have any questions on Ji’ai I’d be happy to help! :)
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Dear Shivaree
Please can you give me the address and phone number of the Jiai clinic in Shanghai.
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Dear Nuria,
I'm sorry I just saw your question today, but I also saw that somebody else answer you in another post. Anyway, here is the information:
Ji'ai Clinic: 588 Fang Xie Road, near Lu Jia Bang Rd., Tel. 63459977, 63455468.
Good luck!
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Does anyone have the contact of Ruidong Hospital? I heard that they had combined with Ruijin hospital, I called but the lady answering the phone is not very polite, so I wonder how would be their service. Can anyone who had been to Ruidong for IVF tell me their experience, the price and the contact info?
Thanks x 1000
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Ji ai is the best hospital for IVF. ICSI..... I had two succeful IVF in shanghai jiai.
3 times tranfer and 2 times succuss.
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hi, anyone trying IVF soon or is trying IVF now in SHANGHAI?
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16 yrs ago
Hi Chris71, I went to Ji Ai for my first time last week to look into IUI for the first time. I was surprised by how simple it was (two hour wait to be seen/ no privacy during pelvic checks) but after discovering this forum I see its the norm. I am useless with medical proceedures so may opt to look into Ruidong instead as it sounds more calmer. Let me know where you are up to and how you get on. Good luck!
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