I'm a bit confused about how far along I am.
According to the calculations based on the first day of my last period -i'm now at 13 weeks.
According to the doctor's scan of yesterday - the fetus measures 8cm from head to bum and therefore i'm now 14 weeks.
Are all fetuses all over the world the same size?
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The Doctors use the first day of your last period to start the calculation is just for the sake of easy reference between doctors. So among the doctors and the specialists they know exactly which day to start calculating your EDD. (As you know your baby should be conceived approx. 14 days after the first day of your last period)
Normally the scan results are based on statistic so it's not very accurate. If you have your scan done in HK the data is from the local babies, and if you are carrying a Caucasian baby then the scan tends to tell you your baby is bigger than average hence it may show you're a week or two ahead.
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Yes, so this is the thing - according to the first day of the last period - the baby should be due on the 7th of march - but looking at the scan the doc brought the EDD forward by a week.
I'm south asian and my husband's italian - i guess on average we're a bit bigger than locals in HK.
The doctor was insistent when i asked him and said that the scan was the more accurate indicator.
anyways time will tell i guess....
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19 yrs ago
I was always confusted, just go with what doctor says, less thinking involved :) Also, towards the 'end' your dr might 'fine tune' your due date.... but nothing is certain.
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Yes CRI is right, don't stress about it, plus it's normal to go into labour 2 weeks before or after your EDD esp. if it's your first pregnancy.
Btw, congrats and good luck!
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from my dad (ob.gyn in the US) -
at between 14-16 weeks you get the BEST estimation of the actual EDD. At this stage fetus sizes, regardles of race, nationality, size of mother and father is more and less the same. (it's when they get bigger that the other stuff factors in - at this stage, it's a wee thing.) Go by your doctor - the U/S is the more accurate measurement.
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HkCC- ok that's great - i'm happy to be a week further than i thought i was - specially since doc said that now the risk of miscarraige is down to less than 1%, and i've passed that critical period.
Cri & crispy - thanks, yes - i won't stress myself over it - definitely less thinking involved!
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