It's TWINS!!!!

Posted by Gabriella 19 yrs ago
The bleeding was unrelated. Twins are looking good so far - so fingers crossed.

I can't believe it - we're over the moon!

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mrsl 19 yrs ago
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Probably not the news that you were expecting. Now you've got two reasons to fret. How exciting (and efficient)! Now get some rest!

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miffy 19 yrs ago
WOW! How exciting! Congratulations, you must be so thrilled. I'm so pleased the bleeding was nothing. Best of luck for the rest of your pregnancy.

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
We are SOOO excited - I know we have to stay calm, but it's very hard.

My husband was sitting beside me during the examination and nearly passed out when the doctor said...'úmm...there's not one, but two!'

Just have to try and stay calm ...phew!

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wigwam 19 yrs ago
Hi Gabriella,

Congratulations! Great news that the bleeding was nothing to worry about.

I also found out a couple of months ago that I am expecting twins. I'm now 16 weeks. I was actually pretty shattered when I found out (baby 3 & 4 for me, my youngest has just turned one, so it was definitely more than I bargained for). It took a month for the initial shock to wear off!

Anyway, all the best for the remainder of your pregnancy!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
oh my god!!!!! That is fantastic! For both of you - Gabriella and Wigwam.

You are going to have your hands full but at least you only haved to get preggers once.

Really happy to hear that the bleeding was not too serious.


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gp2006 19 yrs ago

I have the following books on twins. PM me if you are interested to buy them

1) Everything you need to know to have a healthy twin pregnancy

2) When you are expecting twins, triplets or Quad

3) TWINS - Pregnancy, birth and the first year of life

More details on each book can be found on

All three books are in excellent condition - like new. Bought all three books from the USA

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Poseidon 19 yrs ago
Hi Gabriella,

So happy for you for finger cross "TWINs" me just after laparoscopy for 18 days can't hardly turn to sleep on hands yet.....

could only start trying after 2mths....anyone who dare to try even before 1 fresh natural cycle for PCOS ?

Anyone still taking METFORMIN after pregnancy detected for PCOS & for how long 12 weeks ?


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powerpuffgirl 19 yrs ago
Congrats, I woke up thinking of you last night because I hadnt been back to check on your progress!! What special news!

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the goddess kali 19 yrs ago
Wow, no kidding. Way to go!!

I don't all this exuberation on your part can do any harm to the twins - if anything they'll probably feel more welcome.

Congratulations again!!

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abitnaive 19 yrs ago
hi gabriella

congratulations on your multiples pregnancy!

there is a fantastic mothers of multiples group here in hong kong, we are having a lunch get together very soon, would you like to join us? there are several other expecting mothers as well!

please email me if you are interested:

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Gabriella 19 yrs ago
Thank you everyone.

Abitnaive I have sent you an email.

qp2006 - I have a few books already, but I might come back to you once I have had a chance to check the ones I have this weekend.

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angemartin 18 yrs ago
hey there,

just went for check up and found out i`m carrying twins,just wondering if there are mothers out there expecting twins,would like to meet up.

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abitnaive 18 yrs ago

there is a fantastic mothers of multiples group here in hong kong, if you do a google search the website will come up, it also lists upcoming meetings and our membership contact person. hope to see you at the newcomer's lunch soon!


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angemartin 18 yrs ago
thanks abitnaive,i will do google search and hope to meet with other mothers soon.

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Workingmom 18 yrs ago
Gabriella and wigwam the pregnancy is thru IVF or normal way as i just started my injection this morning and i am so worried about it whether it's gonna be successful or not.

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Gabriella 18 yrs ago
My pregnancy was normal conception - cam off the pill and 5 months later I was pregnant.

Sadly I lost one of the twins, but the other little babe arrived safe and sound in April. She is the absolute light of our lives... a gorgeous, happy little munchkin. Very loved and very happy, every morning I am greeted with the biggest smile. I am so grateful for her, having been through what we went through she is all the more precious.

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