Embryo Donation

Posted by Ioianna 19 yrs ago

I'm looking for a place to have Embry Donation. Is there any place in HK or does anyone know a hospital that does this procedure? Please let me know since IVF is no option and I don't know where to go.



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my thoughts 19 yrs ago
If you can source someone who will donate an egg to you, a friend or a relative (but not a relative of the sperm donor's) then all components of the procedure can be accomplished here in HK by a reputable fertility doctor in conjunction with one of the fertility labs (e.g. Sanitorium). But egg PURCHASE is illegal in Hong Kong and there are no egg donation programs, you need to source the egg yourself. You could also source an egg through a fertility clinic elsewhere which has an egg donation program (there are several in California, for example), have it fertilized there, frozen and transported for an FET here in Hong Kong. Of course you could also go there and have the procedure done overseas.

It's possible, but all bit complicated. Any of the fertility doctors here should be able to advise you on how to accomplish your hopes. Good luck.

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exeter 19 yrs ago
The IVF Centre at HK Sanatorium has an embryo donation program. I did IVF there and was willing to donate any excess embryos not required by myself, however, they said they only took pure Asian embryos (mine are only half) because that's all there is demand for. I find that a little hard to believe given the number of mixed couples in HK!

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Ioianna 19 yrs ago
Hi My thoughts,

Thanks for your reply. I'm thinking of this, it is very difficult to find an embryo donator(s) and I have a problem with commercial egg or embryo donation.

Best regards,


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Ioianna 19 yrs ago
Hello Exeter,

Thanks for your reply. I'm looking for an embryo donation. I'm caucasian but my mother and her family are half-indonesian. My brother and sister and their children are darker too. In Indonesia embryo donation and egg donation is prohibited, so no chanche to go there. I was looking in Thailand, India etc. I do have a problem with commercial egg donation, because it can leave a woman overstimulated and childless. I could, n't live with the idea of that. I wondered what caucasians or other mixed people did with their eggs or embryo's they didn't used anymore. What did hapen to yours?

Best regards,


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exeter 19 yrs ago
My IVF failed and I wound up using the frozen embryos for FET and am now pregnant (due in a couple of weeks). My options if I didn't use the embies was to dispose of them or donate them for medical research purposes.

I know it's a hassle and costly, but people do travel to the US for IVF at clinics with donor egg/embryo programs.

Maybe you could call the IVF Centre and ask them if there are any mixed embryos available, or for them to accept a donation of mixed-race embryos with you in mind.

Yes, I've heard about commercial egg donation giving the donor fertility problems later down the line. I went to a university in the US and there were always advertisements in the school newspapers offer big $$ for egg donors.

Good luck.

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