When to tell your boss you are pregnant?

Posted by pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago

When is a good time? 3 months? Once I found out? I found out a week ago, but he is on vacation till 2 weeks later anyway...

Please advise. Thank you.

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doyler 19 yrs ago
I am 18 weeks preganant now, and have still not informed my boss, who is based in the US. I will meet him in 2 weeks time and will tell him then. My colleagues here have not noticed yet, and I am still in my regular clothes.

This is my third pregnancy, and I recommend keeping it quiet as long as possible. Unless you have some medical condition, the nine months is quite long, and I think it goes quicker this way.

All a personal opinion, and of course depends on your work situation. I work with all local Chinese and dread hearing their 'opinions' on having a third child. Most of them believe that one is more than enough, and will be quite vocal in their comments. All ahead of me in the next couple of weeks.....

Good luck and congratulations..

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Kwis 19 yrs ago
I might be wrong, but I think your employment cannot be terminated while you are pregnant --ONLY if you have formally notified the company of your condition (usually by submitting a copy of the pregnancy confirmation from your doctor to your boss and HR). If you are terminated now --and you are pregnant, but have not notified the company, I'm not sure if you have grounds to contest the termination, assuming you suspect that it is on account of your pregnancy. I told my boss as soon as my pregnancy was confirmed but had requested that she not spill the beans until after the first trimester.

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Karen Brar 19 yrs ago
According to labour Law, you got to tell your boss abt your pregnancy as soon as you yourself find out. Bcz you got to take leaves for check-up. N if he know early, it's good for you yourself. If you think of waiting for 2nd semester, there's no use in that.. Touchwood( how abt if one gets complications n miscarriage, you can't get leave for the recovery)... just a reminder

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pampamtobemommy 19 yrs ago
Thank you all for your advices. I guess I will tell my boss once he returned from his vacation two weeks later... but just ask him not to spill the beans

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
I told my boss as soon as I found out at 8 weeks. The diff is that we are friends and i wanted her to know asap.

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Phoenix 19 yrs ago
I made the mistake of telling my boss before the 2nd trimester. I had terrible morning sickness, and it was so bad at work I was convinced everyone could tell.I told her so she didnt think i was slacking. I asked her NOT to tell anyone, esp. the upper bosses, as I wasnt safe yet. I also wanted to tell them myself as I had known them a very long time and had more of a personal relationship with them than her- but the very next day I had disgruntled colleagues asking why I hadnt told them personally. Some things you just cant control. I will never do that again, Saturday morning appointments worked for me last time for the first weeks, so i would do it again to keep the privacy and not tell anyone. Its very disrespectful of your personal situation to have some loudmouth feel they should share your news for you.

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