After m/c when can i start trying again?

Posted by Dora the Explorer 19 yrs ago
LE CHEF, sorry for your loss. A m/c specialist that I had seen in London said that tradtionally, doctors advised 2 periods, both for ease of dating purposes and to give you emotional recovery time. That time period is no longer necessary for dating reasons because of the level of sophistication of scans nowadays. From an emotional point of view, she felt strongly that your body will not allow you to become pregnant until you are emotionally ready (as your hormones will not return to normal until you feel ready). Therefore, I was advised to try as son as I felt prepared for it and not to wait for x number of periods. Best of luck!

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my thoughts 19 yrs ago
It's always a bit dicey to disagree with a doctor's advice (!), but both of my doctors told me (I've had two m/c's) that I should wait one cycle before trying again. It helps the dating, it helps the body to recover and hormones to return to normal, and it gives you a chance to heal emotionally.

I don't know about conceiving any quicker now, it seemed to me that it took a few months for my cycle to get back to normal even though I felt I'd recovered emotionally.

Statistically, most people are apparently pregnant again by the time the baby they miscarried was to be due.

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Matilda 19 yrs ago
Provided the episode of miscarriage is over.

There is no set time before, you can start trying again.

In fact, as your pregnancy hormones settle and your body recovers, ovulation will resume. and that means your body is ready to try again.

Matilda Health Centre - 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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Dora the Explorer 19 yrs ago
Good luck with the move!

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
good luck with your move....

How r u now ?

start trying to BD yet ?

are u PCOS too ? or with clomid to Pregnant ?


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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
Hi Le Chef,

Where would you be moving to which part of Singapore ?


Holland Village,


Pasir Ris,

Queenstowns ?

Where will you be job posting at ? May help you to locate a place to rent ?


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TC 18 yrs ago
By the way, if your periods are now coming 3 days earlier each month maybe this is now the norm for you. Things do change sometimes. That in itself doesn't appear to be reason enough to delay, but I see there's the SG move also.

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
i think you should go ahead and just try because even if you try immediately, it doesn't gurantee that you will get pregnant straight away. i lost my baby at 5 month gestation, it was a still birth and doctor asked me to wait for 2 cycles before trying again. i have been trying for 3 month and still no good news. come to think of it,i should have started earlier then maybe, i can be pregnant now.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Probably best to ask your own doctor this, but my current doctor would want me to be at least 10 weeks and preferably 12 weeks before any travel, including moving (we've discussed it.)

But with our first (only) child, I'm sure I did travel in the first trimester and I know I traveled quite a bit in the later months--that doctor was much more relaxed about it.

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
when i was pregnant with my first baby, i travel even during the first trimester adn my doctor said it was okay as long as my pregnancy is a normal one with no complication. he also prescribed me with aspirin so that i do not get thrombosis because of the long flight. what i did was that a week or so before i travel i went to see him and he examined me to make sure that my cervix was still close etc.

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