Where were you when the water broke?

Posted by coquinne 19 yrs ago
My 1st pregnancy my water broke at home past mid-night, summoned the mid-wife after few hrs, when she arrived and saw me still smiling she said not time yet. Here comes daybreak no epidural ( home delivery in my province ), no name calling and all baby daughter came finally at 8am. The 2nd pregnancy water broke around 10pm, I was rushed to the hospital in the city, was put in the labour room immediately. As the pain progressed I still managed to help other moms in pain until mine became unbearable. Still no epidural, I passed out of tiredness aften I've seen my baby boy. Both came 2 days before the said due dates. Fast forward 15 years after now I'm expecting my 3rd baby ( any moment now ), pregnancy is going well complete, I wonder how and when she will come.

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Wheelymate 19 yrs ago
how wonderful and blessed you are to have 2 kids and another one arriving, coquinne!

at least you have stories to tell about when your waters broke....i was told by my doc at 39 weeks that i had pre-eclampsia and therefore an induction was necessary...i was admitted at 6pm, baby arrived at 2.33am. i missed out on the drama of water breaking, contractions, etc.

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cd 19 yrs ago
The first time my waters broke in hospital, the last 4 at home. But never a huge gush more of a steady trickle.

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geiboyi 19 yrs ago
On my back in QMH, with some bad attitude teenage doctor snipping away inside me without telling me what was going on. To speed things up, apparently (ha ha ha, 27 hours later...).

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Claire 19 yrs ago
While sitting on a lounger in the back garden and Woolworths!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Woolies? That's a classic.

No idea where mine will break but chances are either Park N Shop or the foot massage parlour, lol.

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coquinne 19 yrs ago
Back home we say we haven't paid our mother back yet until we give birth to our own child didn't quite understand what does it mean until I went through giving birth to own children in the most natural way.

I'm hoping w/ my 3rd waters will break at home, I remember the 2 previous experiences boy was a huge gush.

And yes I'm not only blessed w/ 2 children going to be 3 but also w/ smooth pregnancies.

Perhaps next baby wheelymate you'll have the whole drama of giving birth <:)

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mayafox 19 yrs ago
Huge gush at home whilst watching 'House' on Pearl. Narrowly missed the white couch!

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Oooh we have a white couch too. Perhaps I'd better put some towels down just in case.

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Claire 19 yrs ago
What Vulvic?! Not when you've got a wedding coming up. You and your little one could be the talking point at every wedding for years to come!

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
we are officially 38 weeks now, baby weighs 2.6kgs and amniotic fluid w/in normal limits! Yes beancurd, after 15years I'm feeling like 1st time mom again.

Wow Ruth at Clifford, hubby must be very brave, while my husband is too worried to hurt his baby :-(

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
Waters broke this time at 7am on Oct 4, I think 6hrs of walk from mall to mall the day before helped.

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