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18 yrs ago
Dear all,
There's so much talk about the implantation dip on the web, but so little explanation for it that I'm wondering whether its a reliable indicator or not.
I read some doc's comments on the web saying that the dip is just a myth, fabricated by conception-obsessed women. Can anyone offer a medical/physiological explanation for BBT to fall when the fertilised egg plants itself on the uterine lining? I haven't been able to find the answer anywhere!
I'm now 8DPO and yesterday my temp fell but still remained above the coverline. Its now back up today. I also got tons of pastey mucus yesterday, but no spotting which leads me to think that I had a surge in oestrogen and not an implantation dip.
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"Reliable indicator" - do you mean of pregnancy? The best indicator is levels of hCG.
From my lay knowledge, a downward shift of the BBT post-implantation could be caused by the timing of implantation during the reproductive cycle, for example very close to menses when there is a natural fall in progestrone levels and the corpus luteum regresses.
There are a few studies which suggest another reason why the BBT might drop but I don't think it's really appropriate for me to go into that here.
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