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18 yrs ago
Hi I'm new to HK, I have PCOS and had to take clomid to conceive with my daughter. I'm now looking to find a gynie who also specialises in fertility treatment. I've been told of someone called Dr Ghosh, but have no idea whether he is a fertility specialist too... can anyone help or give me some recommendations?
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Patrick Ho is one who is commonly mentioned on this site. Do a search for doctors and you'll find a lot of popular ones.
I never heard of Ghosh being for fertility, but could be wrong - I hear of him more in conjunction with complicated pregnancies.
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18 yrs ago
Dr. Christine Choy seems to deal with a lot of PCOS patients and is highly recommended on this site. She seems very capable and is also very nice. 31120480. Have not personally seen Dr. Ghosh, but not sure whether he specializes in fertility treatment. One of my friends who sees him said he referred her to another doctor for IVF. Once she got pregnant, she went back to Dr. Ghosh.
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If you would like information on Clinic schedules at the hospital please feel free to call me (can't always get back to the threads).
Lynne - 2849 0328
Matilda International Hospital
Hong Kong
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