folic acid vs. folate

Posted by popsicle 18 yrs ago
OK, probably a very stupid question, but what is the difference, if any between folic acid and folate, and which is the better form and how much should one take a day.... have heard varying quantities for 'folic'


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ahacha 18 yrs ago
they simply are synonyms.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Folic acid is the name of the stuff found in supplements. Folate is found in foods. But it's essentially the same stuff to the body so no one is really "better", although the synthetic folic acid may be easier for the body to assimilate.

It is also sometimes known as Vitamin B-9 and Pteroylglutamic acid, just to add to the confusion.

Quantity for those TTC or for early pregnancy is 400 micrograms, either by diet or supplements. But you can keep up those levels throughout your pregnancy.

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
thanks guys, also can you take antioxidants whilst pregnant? Wouldn't worry so much at home - Oz, but after hanging in central today feel like I have inhaled so much crap!

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Claire 18 yrs ago
I would say to be careful. High doses of certain vitamins can be counter-effective. It was thought that high doses of vitamins C and E reduced the risk of developing pre-eclampsia but this was found not to be so. Certainly vitamin A in high doses (even while TTC) has been associated with an increased incidence of birth defects.

Althought not actually a vitamin (it does not occur naturally in foods that humans normally eat), vit D is needed for the absorption of calcium during pregnancy, but again not too much.

So everything, except B-9, in moderation.

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