Public hospital booked

Posted by Boobear 18 yrs ago

I am worried I will not be able to deliver at a public hospital here in Hong Kong because I haven't registered yet. My baby is due in December. Do you know if they do "book out" so to speak. I have tried ringing the clinic but there is only voice mail. Any advice welcome.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
You can register pretty much up to the time of birth. Which hospital will you deliver at?

For example, at Tsan Yuk, registration is by appointment on Weds and Sats. The phone number for appointment for registration there is 2589 2100.

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Boobear 18 yrs ago
Thanks, that is a relief! I hope to deliver at the Prince of Wales and have been told to take my referral letter in Monday to Friday between select hours. The reason I am concerned was because when I went to my local govt clinic, I saw on this booking sheet that the Queen Mary was full - whatever that means.

thanks again

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