Determining Sex

Posted by aussieinhk 18 yrs ago
A friend and his wife are trying to conceive, but are determined to have a girl. Is there anyway to do this? Go to a fertility specialist?

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crj 18 yrs ago
Check out a HK based company called Choix

3173 8718

but not sure if they are still open....

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Y-sperms are smaller, weaker, but faster than X-sperms, which are bigger, stronger, but slower which can be used for selecting a baby’s sex.

You can use this information with the timing of intercourse during the monthly cycle. The closer to ovulation you have sex, the better the chances to have a boy, because the y-sperms are faster and tend to get to the egg first. If you have sex three days or more before ovulation, the better your chances to conceive a girl, because the weaker y-sperms tend to die sooner and the x-sperms will be available in greater quantity whenever the egg is released.

So having sex from two days before ovulation, up till a few days after ovulation, is better for conceiving a boy. Around the two-day point -- 48 hours before ovulation – you could get either one.

Ovulation can be assessed by BBT, mucous, and ovulation predictor kits.

BTW, this is not guaranteed to be 100% effective as nature prefers more boys to be born because, like the Y-sperm, boys are smaller and weaker.

There are also a plethora of books on the subject.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
called the Shettles method, outlined by Claire above - you can look on the internet for details.

There are food items to help the women's body become more "basic" (we are naturally acidic) while the men are more "basic" so trying to get the two closer in their ph is also a way to supposedly facilitate the boys.

tighty whity underwear for the man - keeping them a bit hotter can sometimes increase the girlie sperm.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago,,1920165,00.html

for all those cat lovers out there - you can't have it all. Cats and girls!

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TC 18 yrs ago
But you need to be aware that there is no guaranteed natural method of getting the sex that you want.

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