Posted by
18 yrs ago
sore breasts - are you nipples darker? I know that sometimes it's hard hoping against hope - but check anyways...
good luck! keep us posted.
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hkcc is right, pregnancy hormones can enlarge and darken the aerola even as early as this. And the breasts are often a bit bigger or fuller feeling.
Of course you don't NEED to take a pregnancy test, but it should be accurate from the first day your period is due...if you really don't want to get your hopes up only to have them dashed, you could always wait a few days or even a week.
Maybe plan something wonderful for yourself, a treat, in case it's not the news you're hoping for, and THEN take the test...
Wouldn't it be nice to have good news though?!
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Not everyone experiences the same pregnancy symptons expat, so don't let that get you down.
It's hard to wait, but there's nothing else to do at the moment....except take care of yourself and take your vitamins :-) Fingers crossed for you.
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I never got sore breasts at all no morning sickness nothing I did a pregnancy test because I had a hunch that I was came back negative.....I just knew some how that I was and did the test 4 days later and it was positive.....bub is now 4 months old!
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yes the waiting and hoping and not knowing is a bit stressful but fun in the end as it's all part of the yay!! i'm pregnant experience.
But if you are spotting already and haven't started to get your period maybe you can take the test anyway - just for fun.
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Well, you have to be brave and face a negative test.
It's so eaasy to obssess about it - it's normal i think. I drove my husband up the wall.
Exercising - difficult question. I really can't answer it as I felt so tired and cramped and weird the week before i found out that i was pregnant that i gave it a miss, and really slowed down after i found out.
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18 yrs ago
If its more than 4 weeks since your last period then you should take a test. If its negative, surely its better to know that put yourself through all this anxiety that you're doing at the moment.
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i know exactly how you feel, expat. i am ttc also and like you, i think i may be but many times when i thought that i am pregnant, i ended up disappointed. it's just so heart breaking that sometimes i am even afraid to hope. i sincerely hope that you are pregnant, looks to me like i am going to be disappointed again this month.
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Expat2006, I'm sorry to hear that. I think there are a lot of us here who are going through the same cycles of hope and (often) disappointment, so perhaps you can take some comfort in the fact that we understand the emotional rollercoaster. Take care and try to do something nice for yourself today. All the best.
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18 yrs ago
You're quite right, wishing_and_hoping. I'm trying too and in the last 2 months I've failed. First month, I had candidiasis and both hubby and I had to be treated. Second month I miscalculated my ovulation. I got my period the week I thought I was ovulating. This is the third time we're trying. We tried immediately after my period but then stopped for a week because hubby was travelling. I'd be gutted if my ovulation was during that week. I'm expecting AF in 3 days time. Wish me luck.... I doubt I'm pregnant, don't even feel it :-(
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Good luck to all those who are trying!
I do remember feeling quite desperate each time i got a negative result.
And then a friend of mine who'd been trying for the past 10years actually managed to get pregnant and sure i was really glad for her, but then i was also like why is it not happening for me??
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18 yrs ago
I have a friend who tried for 3 years with no success. Then she tried IVF twice and failed. When they gave up, she immediately became pregnant. Her son's only 14 months and now she's pregnant again with #2 (unexpected) - I know it's unexpected because she moved home during the same time she found out she was pregnant.
Apparently the least you think about it and the more relaxed you are, the better your chances are in having a baby. I don't know who comes up with that idea or how you could relax when you're desperate but everyone's been saying that...
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Hi everyone...yes, I'm very much in the same boat. I haven't been trying for long, just two months, but you know how it is...each cycle of tryings is, well, extremely TRYING. : ) The weeks just seem interminable when you want something so much.
Goddess and MayC, I *love* hearing anecdotes like the ones you shared...they are so encouraging. Just curious...what age were your friends? Also, thanks for the good advice. Intellectually, I know it's important to practice though I'm finding that more than a little challenging! But I know you're absolutely right.
Expat2006, I wondered about your that something that you requested or did your doctor suggest it? Is there a set number of months (I know you mentioned 6...) of trying after which it's a good idea? Is there any reason (other than cost) not to do it early in the process, just to make sure everything is okay? If you don't mind, would love to hear your thoughts on this...
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Hi Expat2006...that's extremely helpful. Thank you!
All the best for the test and stay in touch. I may not be the best source for practical advice (still learning!) but I'm happy to be a sounding board and offer moral support!
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God, it's so encouraging to know that i am not the only one here desperate to get pregnant. i have a poem here to share with you all,
Anything, I'll do anything-
Temperature charts, Tes-Tape, litmus paper,
Abstinence to maximize sperm count,
Lying on my back with a pillow under my behind and
my legs up like a beetle,
Vitamin A, Vitamin E, zinc, manganese,
Anything, I'll do anything-
But please-oh please-don't ask me to just relax.
By Marion Cohen
i have exactly the same problem. i try very hard to relax about it but when i know i am ovulating, i tensed up and my husband get tensed up too because it's the only time i will hassle him for sex. good luck everyone. let's not give up and keep trying.
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18 yrs ago
Just got my period today :-( Looks like I'm in for another month of trying.
wishing_and_hoping, my friend is 30.
expat2006, I think it's too early for you to consider clomid or other tests? I heard that most doctors overseas would only consider you if you have been ACTIVELY trying for a year with no luck.
I'm done thinking that each time I see anything pinkish, it's implantation bleeding. Last month, my period came a week earlier and I remember being hopeful that it was implantation bleeding. 3 days later, it got heavier. So much for hoping.
mother_2005. good luck. Let's hope we'll all be pregnant before this year's done..... it 'll be a nice Christmas gift for hubs.
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18 yrs ago
In the past 2 months, 2 friends have given birth, my sis has also given birth, and 3 of my friends have just discovered that they are pregnant.
I'm sooo happy for them but also so envious.... when's my turn? I hope soon....
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Hi May C...I hope it's your turn soon! I know what you mean about feeling envious of (as well as happy for!) others. Maybe if we see others getting pregnant as proof that it happens ALL the time (and therefore is likely to happen for us sometime!) it can help a little bit? That's what I try to stay focused on! Good luck to you.
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Hi MayC,
I fully understand what you are saying about being happy for friends/family but also being envious. Recently a friend told me she was unexpectedly pregnant as she already has an 8 year old boy and 4 year old girl so it was a happy surprise for them, I was really happy for her, but cried to myself thinking when will it be me? Also many of my other friends are pregnant or have recently given birth. It is hard isn't it? All I can do is think, one day my turn will come and it will be worth the wait, (desperate try to remain positive!) I really want to relax, but how hard is it when I can't wait for my period to finish so I can get back on with it!
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18 yrs ago
Hi Freddo, I'm still trying :-(
I have another two friends to add to my pregnancy list since 49 days ago. To make it worse, both tried after me too.
Please, please, please, let me have good news to tell hubby this Christmas......
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