Conflicting signals--what to think?

Posted by wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Hi all, sorry to post again so soon, but I'm confused:

Based on the CM I'm seeing, I'd guess I'm in or near that fertility window...but the OPK sticks continue to read negative.

Which is a better indicator? What do I make of this? Thanks.

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miffy 18 yrs ago
Sounds to me that ovulation is on the way... I'd rely on your body's signs more than the OPK. Clear CM can last for a few days, so OPK might show positive tomorrow for example, but if you start doing the deed now, you are in the fertility window as sperm can live for up to 4 days. Keep testing too, just for reassurance, but just cover your bases. Good luck..and have fun!!!

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squiggles 18 yrs ago
hi w&h,

from what i have read on my packets, the OPK only predicts the time just before you ovulate but doesn't actually tell you that you are? and perhaps you've missed the window for it to tell you. also, don't you have to have not peed for 4 hours before testing? and also not put too much pee on the stick? it seems that so much can go wrong with these OPKs...

i would cover both bases - think that you are so grab the hubby, and continue to test to see if you have or haven't ovulated....

i'm not sure on these OPKs...very expensive but not possible accurate? am thinking of doing the BBT stuff soon as it seems more accurate and less expensive.

you probably need the opinion of someone who's been doing this a while - i'm still muddling through.

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thanks, miffy. Thanks, squiggles. Grabbing my hubby just in case sounds like a fine plan to me!

Squiggles, I'm glad you also find the OPKs a little puzzling--I was beginning to feel like a moron! I mean what could be easier than peeing on a stick, right? :-) But once you factor in all the fine points like exactly how much and when, it does seem to get a little trickier.

That said, I'd be surprised if I missed it because I started testing ridiculously early (Day 7), just to be sure. I exercise a lot...maybe I drink too much water or something?

At any rate, I agree that BBT sounds more reliable, so I actually bought a thermometer today and plan to start tracking that. Although from what I've read BBT is only useful for confirming that ovulation has taken place--not for predicting the fertility window (the way CM and OPKs supposedly can), so not sure how much that will really help me plan how to time things...

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Well2 18 yrs ago
Hi there,

BBT - the 1st month of charting is just an indication. It tells you which day of a cycle you normally ovulate. For me, most of the time ovulation happens on day26. So hubby and I always started trying from day22 until we saw a temperature jump. We only bd every other day.

CM - CM is also a good sign too. For me it's the second most important sign, I mainly depend on my BBT. I have never had eggwhite CM. I only have the creamy watery one and it usually show up around day22-26, in line with my BBT :0). When i saw it, hubby and I would get busy right away.

Read "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" and do the BBT on free version. They were my big help !!!

I am now 5.5weeks preg. And hubby and I only did on day26 and 27 two times in this cycle. It happened to take us 8 months, but i have very long cycle, 35-40days. So it actually just took us 4 cycles (2 cycles off cos of traveling) :-)

I really hope it helps.

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thanks, Well2. I've now got the book, the thermometer, and I've started a fertilityfriend I hope at least I'm on the right path!

Because I just came off the pill in August, I can't really tell yet but I think my natural cycles might be long as well. (The first one off the pill was 36 days). Do you happen to know if long cycles are related to age at all? I'm 37...

Anyway, you must be elated! I hope you are feeling well and reveling in your happy news. : )

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Well2 18 yrs ago
hi w&h, long cycle is definitely not related to age. Cos i have friends they are around 25 have 40days and friend over 35 have 28days. I think every woman is different.

If you have 36 days cycle, i would guess you might ovluate on day20-27. Perhaps thats why you always got negative result on OPKs, cos you tested too early..... :-)

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thanks, Well2. You are probably right--I'll just have to be more patient I suppose!

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
hi all,

Regarding the BBT chart, my temperature shoot up to 36.3 - 36.5 higher than normal 35.9 - 36.2 with the clear eggwhite CM will it indicates that i am ovulated & 2ww during 13 days high temperature ?


anxious whether the conception would take place as ovulation day last 24hrs to nearly 72 hrs.

Now 2ww, very anxious whether i would hit my jackpot ?

Finger cross.

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Hi, Poseidon...not sure I can help answer your question because I don't quite understand your temp you mean you have already had 13 high temp days in a row? At any rate, I do hope you have been lucky this month--all the best.

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
Wishing & Hoping,

Yes, I am already 14 days with higher temperature than usual at 36.5 & my doc advises me to take progesterone becoz my progesterone level is too low.....

Beside, after 14 days if my menses didn't present; it'll meant that the conception took place....

The blood test done today to measure FSH level, I did BD on my first time ovulation dates....after laparoscopy can see very clear CM for the first time.

So finger cross that after 14 days progesterone level stay high.....

Think I am gonna crazy; thinking of having babies since age 24.

Especially, during my friends, colleague & friends start to had their first kid age 32.


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