boooo morning sickness is the pits!

Posted by robageda 18 yrs ago
i'm only 8 wks preg with no.2. like with no.1, morning sickness kicked in about 2 wks ago, getting worse and hopefully will 'only' last till 12 wks. but i am noticing it is worse here in hk (had no1 in oz) because this time all these wonderful varied smells and wafts that is here in hk is really really getting to me! and i hate air conditioning, it feels like i am breathing smelly recycled air! and then i'm too scared to open the windows because of the pollution (i mean did u see the haze today!).

anyone got any foolproof tips to battle morning sickness? i've tried ginger, vegemite and even seasickness bands!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
warm baths...before i read that pregnant women are not supposed to have them too warm or too long.

i was miserable for 14 weeks. nothing worked. all the dry biscuits in the world couldn't save me from hurling.

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hkbj 18 yrs ago
try Diclectin if you can get it here....Canadian drug specifically for pregnancy sickness

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
yep, I am around 8 weeks with no. 2 and (also had no. 1 in Oz) and my every-minute-of-the-day- sickness is so much worse here in HK. Gawwwd and another 6 weeks or so to go....struth! I am with you, Robageda...the smells, the heat/ stuffiness and the foul air are contributors....if

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Poseidon 18 yrs ago
May I know during 2ww can BD stil ?

How about Progesterone level needs to stay high with menses arriving right ?

What are the body sign during 2ww till 6 weeks ?


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robageda 18 yrs ago
hi poseidon, i'm not too familiar with all these acronyms, so i'm not sure what you mean...

popsicle, i'm so glad someone else is in the same boat! hard enough having morning sickness and also chasing after a toddler. mine's 17mo boy, how about yours? actually find that if i keep myself moving and going out, the morning sickness isn't as bad as if i just sit at home and feel sorry for myself!

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Mango_1 18 yrs ago
I feel sorry for you I really do. I suffered terribly with morning sickness right up until a week ago (now at 18 weeks). I found jelly and lucozade helped me and getting out and doing things. Its really hard to see people etc but it does take your mind off it and it'll cheer you up. Hope it gets better soon!

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robageda 18 yrs ago
thanks for all your advice. i just can't remember the morning sickness as bad as last time! i think your body gets amnesia from it (just like it does with the labour pains!) so nature makes sure you keep having more babies!!!

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Verellene 18 yrs ago
LOL yeah no doubt. I still remember the morning sickness with both my kids. I am 6 weeks pregnant and waiting for the morning sickness.

I found that sprite or 7UP helped with the nausia as well as crackers. It will eventually go away but in the meantime take it easy.


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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
didn't have morning sickness with my first and with my second - OH WOW ... could barely keep anything down.

I really liked lemon for some reason. (hated the smell of my husband as well.) I had a cut lemon in a tupperware in my purse and if i ever felt nauseous i would sniff. If necessary I could also squeeze it into water as I found lemon water more tolerable than regular water.

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
Yeah i was also waiting for the morning sickness to stop after 12 weeks - it went on till 18 weeks.

It's horrioble. I kept taking small sips of perrier with lemon or soda water with lemon.

Now at 23 weeks it's heaven that drinking water doesn't send me running to the looo....

hang in there...

Amnesia is right!!

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