no morning sickness

Posted by Well2 18 yrs ago
hi, i am now 7 weeks preg but i still haven't had morning sickness or upset stomach. Is it normal? Will it kick in later like 10 weeks or something?

I did have sore bb/ nipples at 4-6weeks, bb are still a bit fuller, but the tenderness has gone. I am very worried...

Any advice is appreciated.

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Nula 18 yrs ago
I never had morning sickness with my first two pregnancies but this third one has been awful (from 2 days after I missed my period I have been ill).

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
morning sickness varies.

For most it doens't get horrible until 8-16 weeks. I had none with my first and would vomit upon seeing my husband with the second.

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Well2 18 yrs ago
hi girls, many thanks for your opinions.

I will try not to worry to much :)

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
I never had any morning sickness, although the smell of fish was a complete turnoff in my first pregnancy.

If you're worried, keep track of your weight gain. For me, that was the first sign something was wrong with my second (and third)...I went from one week to the next without any gain.

Good luck well2, I know you're worried...and you probably won't really breathe a good sigh of relief until you're past the time you lost your first. Still, not everyone experiences every symptom, so don't let that alone trouble you.

Another thing you could do for peace of mind, is go in for a heartbeat scan next week at 8 weeks. If you have a heartbeat, there's a very strong likelihood your pregnancy is viable. (Most of the time there's a heartbeat by 6 weeks, but by 8 weeks there invariably'll be one.)

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Well2 18 yrs ago
Tks Cara, my thoughts,

I have actually passed the time i lost my 1st (6weeks preg). I did feel a bit of a relief..for 1 day. And then am looking forward to the 13th week is up :-) getting into the 2nd trimester.

I have my first appointment with the doc this friday. I will be about 7.5 wk preg by then. Think i will do the heartbeat scan as suggested. Is it really that if we hear a heartbeat, the little one is highly likely a sticky one? Really really hope we will hear a lovely stronggggggggggg hb :)

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effiruz 18 yrs ago
hi well2

congrats to u! btw i dun have any morning or all day sickness too. for 5mths straight, i only puke less than 5 times and only when i had rice. other than that, i dun feel pregnant at all. diff body react differently. so if u dun experience morning sickness, its also a good thing for u though having morning sickness wud means that ur baby is per what my doc say. dun worry and i hope u have a smooth pregnancy.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
You can SEE the heartbeat with the vaginal probe, Well2. It's not 100%, but a very good indicator of viability. And yeah, it's pretty thrilling. Bring hubby along :-)

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Well2 18 yrs ago
tks cara, LOVELY-effirz, my thoughts

Hubby will definitely go see the heartbeat with me. He has been extremely supportive and caring :)

It's good to hear that some preggies having healthy pregnancies and also don't have any sickness.

By the way, a colleague of mine just gave birth to a baby girl today at her 7th month pregnancy. The baby weighs 2.5lb. Small, but safe and sound :)

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