Proud Parents

Posted by Ed 18 yrs ago
Who's gonna be the first to submit a baby photo!

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
where to click next after filling up the form?

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Ed 18 yrs ago
click Submit below the image upload

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
where can the photos be viewed?

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Once we have the first one submitted we will then set it up online then link to this from the site...

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
it's "reset" written below the image upload?

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Ah - you are using IE... it appears that our guys have only formatted for Firefox at the moment - will get this formatted for IE tonight so you can see Submit.

In the meantime - two options - download the much superior Firefox

Or just send me the info required on the form by email using the info@asiaxpat email address:


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crj 18 yrs ago
Are all the fields required?

Or could we just put out username and a photo caption?

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Ed 18 yrs ago
need all fields...

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crj 18 yrs ago
What information besides the photo will actually show on the page?

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
Hi ed,

this is a lovely idea but i personally feel that while we would love to show off pictures of our babies to other fellow forum users, i would prefer to keep my actual identity private...not sure if other parents will agree with this but have a feeling you might actually get more contributions if you only publish the username instead of the actual names.

just a thought.... :)

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crj 18 yrs ago
Wheelymate - 100% agree.

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Ed 18 yrs ago
Thanks for the feedback. We can make this change.

Do we need to put the babies first name with the photo?

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coquinne 18 yrs ago
I would prefer to put my username " coquinne's baby girl"

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Ed 18 yrs ago
I think we should include the baby's first name no?

How are we with presenting a big photo of the baby then below it:

AsiaXPAT member (username) is pleased to announce the birth of (first name only) on (date) in (city) Comments: _____________________________________

If this is ok please email me this info and we will get this setup asap

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
looks good to me! :)

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Ed 18 yrs ago
all done

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crj 18 yrs ago
Ed - I would not have this just for 'here is my new baby' but other photos too - maybe limit per user if you need to manage storage space.

I could see putting up:




The comment could be:

"our new baby boy born 12 October in HK"

"First Birthday cake!"

"Look at my cutie"


Let the comment be free text limited to 70 or 255 characters or whatever your database allows.

It will get a lot more posts and hits that way.

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Ed 18 yrs ago
thats basically what we have ... storage space is not an issue...

We will have one big photo at the top then thumbnails of others below.. you can click the thumbs to see big pics of other babies...

to make sure the page looks good we need the pics to be 490 pixels wide...

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