Blighted Ovum

Posted by Havefaith 18 yrs ago
I got pregnant 4 months ago. 6 weeks into the pregnancy it turned out that I had a blighted ovum. I had an operation to remove the ovum about 2 months ago. I was just wondering if anyone has had the same thing and gone on to have healthy babies....

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Dani R 18 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith...I had a blighted ovum last year (they detected no heartbeat after I had spotting) and had to get a D&C at 8 weeks along. It was devastating. Now, I'm almost 34 weeks along with my first baby, due next month! All is well with mine and baby's health (he's growing like a champ and kicking me right now!) and my husband and I are just so excited.

I waited about 3 months for my period to regulate itself and also to be emotionally ready to start trying again. Right on the dot, 3 months later, I became pregnant. So don't lose heart, it can and will happen for you! Best of luck. :)

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kar 18 yrs ago
Yes, I had this happen. Had a D & C at 6 weeks or so. After first normal period after the operation, I went back for a check up. My doctor said we could start trying right away if we wanted to. We did and got pregnant that cycle. I did have a tough pregnancy with a lot of bleeding (not related to the blighted ovum---just bad luck, I think) but went on to have a healthy, full term boy.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago
Thank you and congratulations, Dani and Kar. That is very promising. I was feeling quite a let down when I found out that despite all the pregnancy systoms it was a blighted ovum. I had not even heard of this before I got it. I was so upset when I found out. I even waited two weeks and got a second opinion before I had the D&C. Thank you both for letting me know that there is hope. Good luck with the babies.

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wigwam 18 yrs ago
Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that my first pregnancy ended at 10 weeks. I had some bleeding and an ultrasound confirmed that it was a blighted ovum. It was devastating, but I was surprised at just how many other women go through the same thing (I've heard it's especially common in first pregnancies). I had the D&C straight away and about three months later I fell pregnant again (my daughter is now 4). I have also now got another daughter who is 16 months old and am currently 27 weeks pregnant with twins! I've never had any other problems during any of my pregnancies.

I'm sorry that you had to go through that as well, but don't lose heart!

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago

Thank you for your note.

I would love to go and have a girl, another girl and twins too. That's just wonderful.

Do you know the gender of the twins? Do you have twins in the family? I would love to have twins. I have twin sisters and twin aunts - keep my fingers crossed...

Congrats! I hope that things will turn out well in the next few years....

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wigwam 18 yrs ago
Hi Havefaith,

I'm having a boy and a girl, which is great. My husband really wanted a boy and I love girls ;) There's no history of twins in our family at all, so it came as a complete shock. We weren't even planning to have another baby (I always thought I'd only have two) so the news of twins meant a drastic change of plans for us.

It sounds like you have a high chance of having twins. I've read that women who take folic acid before conception have a higher incidence of having twins too.

Good luck to you and I'm sure things will turn out well for you too!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
when i was pregnant with my first baby in 2004, i had some bleeding somewhere in week 5 or 6. i went to a doctor ( which i dont wish to mention who ) and she told me she couldn't see anything on the ultrasound, so she came to the conclusion that i had a blighted ovum therefore adviced me for D&C. i cried for a week and after a week i went to a second doctor for second opinion and lo and behold, he told me he saw a healthy sac with heartbeat on the ultrasound. to think that if i actually listened to the first doctor and did a D&C, i wouldn't have a beautiful baby boy now. i think it is always best to wait before you make any decision and always go for second opinion. good luck.

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago
Mother 2005,

That's definitely sound advice. I was not so lucky. I went to a second doctor after the diagnosis of a blighted ovum and the second doc said it might not be a blighted ovum. I waited another week and went back to see the second doc. She was at that time sure it was a blighted ovum. I then scheduled D&C a week later.

I have heard of other women who has gone on to have "blighted babies" - I definitely would suggest waiting and getting a second opinion.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
That time of waiting and following up with another hard as it is to think a pregnancy may not be progressing, it also gives one time to get used to the idea. At least, that's how it was for us. We had three scans, each a week apart, and by the final scan it was abundantly clear our baby had completely stopped developing...

Still, it's all so sad.

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