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18 yrs ago
Any mums flown longhaul in early 2nd trimester with a low lying placenta - completely covering cervix??
My OB said it would be fine to fly around that time as long as there is no bleeding, which I have had, however my internet searches has returned info to the contrary.
Any other mums faced with same situation?
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I had the same thing happen to me at around 26 weeks. My placenta was lying low, but didn't completely cover my cervix (partial). We had plans to fly for the October holiday, but my doctor said no way, something to do with the changes in pressure in the cabin and how it might affect it. Also, I was on partial bedrest for over a month also.
I flew a long-haul flight in my first trimester adn was fine, but my doctor didn't want me to during this placenta issue, just too risky, esp. with bleeding and on a long-haul flight. I also had a m/c prior to this pregnancy and just didn't want to take any chances.
Hope this helps. It's hard when there is so much conflicting information, even when your doctor says one thing and research says another. Always ask questions! Good luck and hope that placenta migrates up, mine did just before 30 weeks.
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I posted a thread on flying during the first trimester
One poster (wigwam) had a low lying placenta as well.
Maybe you can try to contact her by pm.
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thanks guys for your replies - so Dani, reading your above post, can you please clarify if it was due to bleeding (prior to flight) that you were instructed not to fly or just purely due to location of the placenta? I so so want to be able to make it home for our family reunion/ christmas.
Goddess - tried to pick up that link above but unsuccessful - might try a PM
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ooops sorry - i think i put a full stop after the link that jinxed it - it works now.
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Popsicle, my doctor didn't want me to increase the risk of any type of bleeding/hemorraging. I hadn't had any bleeding prior to that, but he thought it might exacerbate the placenta and I was completely freaked out with the thought of bleeding and starting a hemorrage being away from my usual medical care.
He has been v. cautious w/me during my pregnancy b/c of my past miscarriage(s). So, I guess it depends on what your doctor thinks and how you feel about it.
Good luck with your decision!!
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