any ideas welcome!

Posted by bpr 18 yrs ago
Hello, My wife (pregant), baby daughter and I will be moving to HK in Jan. I have medical with my salary however we are hoping someone has some info, advice and suggestions as to the public and private systems in HK. Do they operate in a similar manner to Australia? Costs etc..??

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Everything I've heard about the public system here is that the care is very good, but the waits can be long. I've gone private since we arrived, and I can say the waits for a private doctor can be long too, so waiting time alone isn't a reason to go private. Public is very inexpensive. The private consult alone (before meds) can be in the order of $700+, which can be claimed, but sometimes not the full amount and often the reimbursement takes a month or longer. Medical insurance is sort of backwards to my way of thinking (from the US), here most policies seem to cover UP TO an amount that isn't all that high. The idea of insurance being protection in case of a catastrophic event, well, that isn't how most policies are written here.

Medical care, both public and private, is good though. You should readilty be able to get good referrals to the sort of care you are looking for.

I can't speak to how this compares with Oz, sorry.

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AKKY 18 yrs ago
I agree with "My thoughts" the wait is looonnnggg with both public and private. expect something from between 1-2hrs of waiting even when you have made an appointment!!

With the public system it only cost around $HK100 per day and that includes everything!! (bed, meals, medicines, surgery, doctor/nurse care) don't expect luxuries from public hospitals but for complications, is the best deal you can get in HK because there is a team to back you up in case you need other doctors and also supplies of blood is readly available in case you need transfusion. Neonatal care is also available too for the newborn if he/she needs it.

with the private system you have the choose the doctor first and then see which private hospital he will go to (by the way private hospital in HK charges you for everything including cotton balls!) and then if you have any complications that one doctor you have chosen may not be able to help you so you or he/she may need to find another doctor for you. As for neonatal care in case you need it for your newborn then you may have to find one (doctor) yourself too. Each of these "other doctors" will charge you too.

is abit different to Oz as one of my friend who had a BB just 6mths ago in Oz. Everything is free and you even get a bonus from the govt of $A3,000 for having a BB!! you get to choose a midwife for natural births or doctor at a hospital!

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