Name Ideas - MN for Amelie

Posted by TC 18 yrs ago
If you are having so much trouble, why not leave it at just one name instead of relying on inspiration from strangers? The name(s) you give your children should be special to you, and you alone. If you have no other special name, why not leave it as Amelie Jones (or whatever) - sounds nice. Failing that, do you have a special relative you would like to honour by using her (or a hybrid of his) name? In our family there were 5 of us: 3 (incl me) have 2 names, 1 has 3 names, and 1 has just the single name.

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
oz, these are my fav names. not sure if it is much help to you. i like nicole, valerie, skye, nadia, melanie, ashley ...... among all these, i like skye best cos it's the most unique. good luck and congrats.

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TC 18 yrs ago
Those names from mother 2005 are nice, but they would be included in all of those baby name books you have read. And that's what I mean. Where do you think those books get their listed names from? From real life examples. If you're hoping to get inspiration at such a late stage then I think you're better to go through one of the books with less-common names. As a first filter highlight those you are remotely attracted to, and then focus on that shortlist getting rid of them one by one until you have a name you both like and which fits. Worked for us earlier this year when our shortlist of 3 ended up being matched against the one we thought of originally (before we opened the book) - and the shortlist was then deleted completely.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
hmmm...interesting question.

since Amelie (love it by the way) has a soft ending - in terms of a vowel, I would say that something that is a stronger ender would be pretty for the middle...sort of like Amelie Kate

and now I can't think of anything immediately...

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Nula 18 yrs ago
As Amelie is a french name what about looking for a french middle name. eg Amelie Belle J? (means hardworking beauty!). I think it needs to be a short name.

I also like the idea of including the mother's maiden name as a middle name (or one of).

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Amelie Rose? Although it doesn't work if the surname is Jones...

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
hmmm a Christmas baby...How about Amelie Noelle? (Also French, isn't it?)

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Nula 18 yrs ago
I love Belle and I am using it this time. Rose is great as well. Here are some more short one vowel names.

Amelie Grace

Amelie Claire

Amelie Elle

Amelie Eve

Amelie Bree

Amelie Bea

Amelie Maeve/May

Amelie Mia/Pia/Tia/Ria

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Nula 18 yrs ago
should say short names not "short on vowel names"

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
Amelie Sue

Amelie Kit

Amelie Clove (weird i know, but seemed so evocative of the holiday season)

Amelie Fay

Amelie Kay

Amelie Kyra

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
Amelie Jane

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
yes i do! it sounds sweet but simple, focus should be on amelie!

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
if you love Kyle - how about Kylie? I also think Kiera is pretty - of course both of those names are tied to famous people, so maybe that puts you off.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
Kyle is a boy's name - and I think Scottish - how about Kyla which means 'attractive'? Alana/Alanna/Alannah is easy for Chinese to pronounce; it also means 'attractive'. Kady is Irish and means 'pure'.

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watergirl 18 yrs ago
Hi Cara,

Niamh is actually the correct way to spell it, not Naimh. Sorry if it was just a typo - but just didn't want you to name your baby with a mispelt name! :-)

If you are interested in Irish girls names, here are few more:




Siobhan (Shevaune)

Yup, I'm Irish.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
My personal feeling is to avoid names which are strongly associated with the opposite sex. I find it strange to meet a man called Tracy or Marilyn (remember John Wayne?) or a woman called James. I did meet a Tracy (an American) at a party years ago in the UK, people were asking him how he got the name Trace - which was the name he used during his year at our uni. He chose to lie...

Of course, IMO, it doesn't get much worse than naming a child after dad's favourite team - that's every surname of the whole team - as some parents have done.!

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
ozxpat, think caitlin and rae are really nice names.

btw, my kid is named after a famous footballer who helped england win the 66 world cup...hahahaha

i love love love the name alannah, definitely the name of my future no. 2 if it's a girl!

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Nula 18 yrs ago
Hi Cara,

Sorry I am not Irish. There are a couple of websites dedicated to Irish names (eg I have only ever meet Scottish males named Kyle. Like Finnoula, would probably be shortened to Finn which is still cute. What about Siana or Eryn?

Ozxpat. You have some pretty girls names are they to go with Amelie?.

We told our families our shortlist a month before due date (about 5 names for each sex), had some interesting and some valid comments but we knew we would do what we wanted anyway. It gives them time to get their heads around any out there names rather than when you have your darling new child!

(please don't take offence!) With regards to your boys names say Riley and Bailey with a really strong Oz accent and see if you still like them. You can also spell Kye Kai

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Claire 18 yrs ago
I was told to shout the name out a number of times (imagine your child at the end of the garden) and if you still like it, go with it!

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago

I've got a brain that's not working anymore

but looking at the suggestions i think

Amelie Sinead

Amelie Kate

Amelie Jane

Amelie Eve

All sound nice...

It depends on how your surname ends as well.

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Nula 18 yrs ago
LOL Claire. I was turned off a couple of names when I heard the name called out by mother's in supermarkets/parks or daycare teachers bellowing out to a child.

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
oooh - digging Amelie Grace

so beautiful and so pretty.

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Starbucks2 18 yrs ago
My sister has an Amelia Jane and a friend has an Amelia Grace which are both similiar to Amelie. I like the sound of Amelie Grace too.

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