Posted by
Dani R
18 yrs ago
He came a few weeks early, born Dec. 15th, but healthy and good weight and size (almost 8lbs and 20 in. long). For a first-timer, I had a speedy labor and delivery (with hubby rushing from the border in China to Hong Kong!), making it just in time.
He was born with just 5 1/2 hrs. labor, too fast for an epidural, and came out looking up at me and the world!! I was amazed it was that fast for a posterior-positioned baby. I am just thrilled with our little bundle of joy and early Christmas present.
Wishing you all out there healthy pregnancies and deliveries, this thread has been a fantastic source of support and information! I will now join the 'moms and dads' side, yipee!
Wow, congratulations and welcome to the new arrival. Hope you have lots and lots of fun with your baby.
How early is he?
I'll never forget meeting our daughter for the first time, it's the most thrilling thing in the world, isn't it? They're born so perfectly is such a miracle.
Congratulations Dani, you've begun a wonderful, loving, exhausting adventure!
thanks ladies, I have a quick moment to look at the computer, then it's naptime for mom!! The last 4 days have been amazing and exhausting, but all part of the new chapter of getting to know my baby. :)
Goddess Kali, he was almost 38 weeks, so 2 weeks early. All is well, is nursing like a champ and is growing already, it's amazing to see the transformation in just a few days.
He's a lovely christmas present i'm sure!
Happy christmas to you and your baby.
If mine decides to come out a bit early it will be during the chinese new year......
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