Posted by
18 yrs ago
i read on a website tonight that it's good to drink flourided water during pregnancy ( makes baby's bones, teeth etc strong) i have been drinking water from the tap that's been boiled in the urn (since living in hK).... but that wouldnt have flouride in it , because flouride isn't added to the water in HK anyway, right? .....What do you guys all drink?
Yes, HK tap water is flouridated--that is, according to our pediatrician.
But we drink bottled water, and use bottled water for all of our cooking, because we live in an old building which I'm sure has leaded pipes.
If we used tap water, I'd research filter systems and filter the water before boiling. There was a thread on this a while ago where someone said the Britax water filter removes lead from water. I think that's worth verifying--if nothing else, it's got to be cheaper than bottled water.
Please note that flouride actually competes with iodine in your body, which can in turn negatively effect thyroid function. I would research this more before actively trying to increase your flouride intake.
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