After miscarriage

Posted by Unforgettable2006 18 yrs ago
I had been pregnant via IVF. At the first scan, doctors told they suspected the Amniotic Fluid is less than normal. So, I waited and waited. Then, at the week of 11, the heartbeat of the baby stopped and I needed to have a suction. I was so sad but am recovering. It was at 12/7. People told me to preserve the body in this period. do you think I can travel aboard this christmas? I really need some fresh air.

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Perthites 18 yrs ago
I am so sorry for you and your hubby it's a long hard road IVF and IUI and to have it fail is such a huge let down as we pin so much on it working. We did and IUI and found at 9weeks the babys heart was not beating as it should the dr told us to go away to try and take our mind off things. We did go away it was a hard week as we waited to see if her little heart kept beating, It didn't and so i had a D&C. We decided after that we'd have a break the nurses said not to leave it too long as the drugs are still in your system (up to 3mths) and could help. Go away but be warned it is still heart renching when you see all the families and the people with babies so if you can be prepared for that and you think you can handle it go it will be good for you to have some distraction. It's not a magical cure of course theres nothing that can do that but it will help. I hope the new year brings you your dream!

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Unforgettable2006 18 yrs ago
Beforehand, I got a Ectopic-pregnant earlier this year. I was so sad and thus 2006 is really unforgettable to me. Some of the friends said this time of 11 weeks is better than Ectopic-p. and maybe next time is better. Some said that my cases were by chances...etc. I tried several IVF/IUI already but seemed something unexplainable in my case. I felt deep pain in my heart and I dare not to wish next time.

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Perthites 18 yrs ago
Yes it's an emtional rollercoaster, we too had tried many IUI's and an IVF plus our loss at 9wks but you have to see a positive side which is you CAN actually get pregnant which is good news. Did you have the fetus tested? They can see if a gentic thing etc. We had ours tested and found we were just unlucky your sound completely unrelated but i'm no dr. I know of people who have tried for ages doing IUI's etc one girlfriend has had many many m/c and is now finally pregnant. You just have to try and get thru each and every day it's hard but this forum is a great support and we'll help you thru when there are days when it's just all too much.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Oh unforgettable, I'm so sorry. I've had a similar experience, it's all so sad.

To answer your question, the decision to travel may have something to do with whether you want to try any intervention with your next cycle. In any event, your doctor probably told you to expect your next period ~6 weeks after the proceedure (that's also what I experienced, but a friend got her period after just 4 weeks). I can't see there'd be any medical reason why you shouldn't have a nice restful, restoring holiday somewhere, but if you have any concerns about that, it's probably best to ask your doctor.

I wouldn't go wild with the late nights though, your body (and your heart) need time to heal--eat well, get good rest, enjoy time with your partner...good wholesome things :-)

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Havefaith 18 yrs ago
unforgettable 2006,

I had a missed miscarriage on 11 September. It is really hard - but just try your best to relax and not think about it. It was very upsetting and was eating me away. Hope you are taking some time off to relax and start a new hobby.

I hope you will have some great news in 2007!


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Unforgettable2006 18 yrs ago
The suction should be fine, I took it at SH. At that time, my family doctor in HK told me it is a small operation and I found it was.

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