Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hubby is away at the moment and I am realising that Xmas/New Year is not a good time to discover you are pregnant. (Doc's test positive before Xmas - self count makes me 8 weeks) but have been unable to make the first OB/GYN visit until after New Year) I have been experiencing abdominal cramps on and off for the last couple of weeks, strong enough to wake me at night and keep me awake until they subside. I am worried about ectopic pregnancy as I have had two laparoscopic surgeries for endometriosis, although I have had no bleeding. Will try and wait it out for the OBGYN appt but what if I need to get myself to hospital? Is there an emergency number or do I struggle downstairs and try to hail a cab?
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18 yrs ago
Agree if emergency call 999.
Alternatively, call your OBGYN (it should not matter if you haven't had first appt) and they usually have an emergency number. You can also call the hospital nearest you or the one you plan to deliver at and ask them what to do (ask them NOW before you need them!)
Here is part of our list of emergency medical numbers:
Pediatrician Dr Richard Chiu
+ 852 2810 7018
+ 852 7582 0854 (pager)
OBGYN - Dr Lam
+ 852 2877 3280 (office)
+ 852 9878 0404 (mobile)
Matilda + 852 2849 0123
Adventist + 852 2574-6211
Free Ambulance: St John’s + 852 2576 6555
Also, I know you are only 8 weeks and might not have told any friends yet - but if you go to hospital - call a friend to meet you there... they won't mind and you will appreciate the support.
Good luck!!!!
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