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18 yrs ago
Any tips as to how to deal with morning sickness? I'm only 6 weeks and it's 24 hours a day. The nausea even woke me up one night. And everything taste metalic, even my own saliva.
I've tried ginger, lemon, sweets..but it makes the bitter taste worse!! Please help.
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Cara, that must have been frightening losing so much weight. Thanks for your reply, now I think I should be counting my blessings, at least I can still hold my food down!! It's mainly just the nauseous feeling constantly 24 hours a day.
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Some women find the sea sickness bands work but they have to be placed correctly.
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I feel for you too,HKgirl.
I had not much morning sickness when I had my 1st one. But was seriously sick & kept vomitting after every meal from week 5 to week 16 for my second one. Tried everything but failed. Couldn't stand with any kind of smell of food. It was scary. I ended up losing 8 pounds & gradually gained back after weeks of normal meals.
Now I am 36wks & 've started to feel nausea & heartburn again due to the growing size of my baby. My stomach feels unwell on & off during the day recently. So good luck to you & just wait for the days pass, that's what I did, esp when you tried everything.
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18 yrs ago
Well I am nearly 10 weeks and I can simpathise with you. It really is an interesting experience to go through.
Hope you feel better soon.
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