Good Hospitals in HK..

Posted by Anu_hk 18 yrs ago
I am though planning for a family soon. Wanted to know how much does it cost for a normal delivery/C-section in Private hospitals here in Hong Kong. Is government hospitals in hong kong better than Private in terms of Consultation, service, Money etc..Pls share your experiences/sugestions as based on these i need to decide whether to go back to my home country or stay here during my pregnancy..

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hkchoichoi 18 yrs ago
if you do a search - public. vs. private - there have been recently a number of very interesting threads.

Also - look for the thread "would this be useful" and PM the author, wishing and hoping. She has a spreadsheet with all the different private doctors in HK, plus some comments as well as prices.

HK public is VERY inexpensive if you are a HKID holder. (If you're not - then you'll pay a lot.) Private is very expensive - especially if you are paying everything out of pocket.

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geiboyi 18 yrs ago
I just had a baby at Queen Mary Hosp (govt) - $200 for delivery and 2 nights' stay, $100 for A&E admission (including helicopter and ambulance transfer), $120 for post-natal follow-up check for me and baby, and when pregnant I think it was $60 for a blood glucose test, and possibly $60 for the 20-wk scan. Normal delivery, no complications (but the cost is the same whatever happens).

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crj 18 yrs ago
Private room at Matilda - over 100,000 including doctors fees.

Get Allianz International Plan, Premier Insurance and it covers EVERYTHING....

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seemajoshi 18 yrs ago
anu, as pointed out by many it depends upon case to case basis. I come from india and after much research decided against a government hospital, though the quality here is much better than those in India. for my first delivery here in HK, I had incured around 150k HKD for pregnancy, normal delivery in total in a private hospital. we were under insurance under an indian company tata which didnt cover pregnancy.

as its difficult for anyone to get a dependent visa here..especially for my parents or in laws, we had to manage alone during the painful labour period. after having gone through all this, for my second delivery i went to India, where even in the best private hospital the whole care as well as delivery and post maternity care was much cheaper. Indian medical care I personally felt was good and i had a very normal delivery second time around. i wud suggest you shud do your home work. if you want ur children to have their graduation and post grad here and a HK citizenship, then its better to have delivery here. else your home country would be the best option.

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recently pregnant 18 yrs ago
I have been to see Dr Dawkins for my first scan and will shortly be coming up to my 18-20 week scan. I heard that if you do this privately it costs approx $5000 if you are paying per visit. As I am returning home to have the baby and it is going to cost this much I would just go public for the few scans I will need here. Any ideas on costs?

If I do go public do I need a new referral or can I just take my previous scan results into the public system?

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recently pregnant 18 yrs ago
Thanks for that Cara. Will get onto it.


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