General Ward - Matilda vs Adventist

Posted by popsicle 18 yrs ago
Hi all,

have been told by my OB that I need to book a bed in next few weeks. (I am 21 wks) And still yet to do hospital visits. Will most probably deliver at Matilda or Adventist, but still considering the QMH - but unsure if you can bring your OB to deliver - (just posted a query on this???)

Our lack of insurance cover will leave us seriously out of pocket, so considering the ward rooms (again will hopefully be able to get up for a hosp visit, however in the mean time a few q's)

Any comparisons between Adventist and Matilda would be appreciated. Which is more spacious/ better facilities etc? I.e do you have a TV to share etc.....

I know it is difficult to say but are the ward generally full capacity.

Had a private room in Sydney for our first which was just that...very spacious and 'private' Just not sure if I can handle 5 days of 4 sets of families and friends in the ward at all times!


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popsicle 18 yrs ago
thanks for that. The Adventist prices have increased by 25%, so only cheaper if you have 3 day VD. Otherwise the same as the Matilda

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miffy 18 yrs ago
My view is that unless the situation changes dramatically in the next few months, the wards will be full. We have just done the tours of Matilda and Adventist. Matilda no longer run the group tours - their wards are at such capacity that they have suspended them. You can still have a tour individually - be warned, it is advisable when you do your tour to ring literally half an hour before you go and check if there is any point in going. When we went to BOTH Adventist and Matilda, ALL rooms were full - that's semi-private, private, wards, delivery suites, back-up delivery suites.... so we took a nice look at the corridors and peered in at the nursery and went home again. It has made me genuinely concerned about getting a bed, even with a booking at either of those hospitals. I have heard stories recently about people being unable to get beds at both these hospitals even though they had 'pre-booked', though both hospitals assured me that this was a 'minority' of cases...

As for the Adventist raising prices, I have a horrible feeling that by the time that you and I deliver, Matilda will have done the same.

Hope this helps.

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miffy 18 yrs ago
Sorry - just read your other post and saw that you will have a pre-booked C-section, so at least you will have no concerns about getting a bed!

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
Miffy, do you know how I could find out about matilda increasing prices???? If they do this then we are reaaaaaaaaaaallly stretching the funds. Infact they should have to give 6 mths period of pre warning before increasing - yeah right!!

Just a minor but do you know if the ward rooms have individual TVs?

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
We are not planning on increasing our fees though it is correct that all hospitals both government and private are really full in the maternity unit - so book as early as you can.

Just to clarify though our information does point out that prices may change at any time without warning so officially we do not have to inform - though really no plans to increase.

As there has been a massive increase in ladies from the mainland delivering in HK the private hospitals and government are concerned about the facilities available which is why the private hospital association is working in conjunction with the immigration department and HA on booking guidelines and from february it is proposed that only ladies that have a confirmed booking will be allowed entry to hk. They will increase the deposit they need to pay to $40,000 on reservation - non-refundable.

We are working very closely with the obstetricians to minimise the impact, flexibility and your understanding is really appreciated.

Hope the pregnancy continues smoothly and if you need any information please feel free to call me.

Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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crj 18 yrs ago
Lynne - ideally, when should one register at Matilda? 6 months pregnant? 7? etc...

What forms should we bring? Treatment Guarantee from insurance company? etc...

What days/times can we regsiter?


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Matilda 18 yrs ago
The doctor registers you at the hospital, just tell him which you prefer and his office will fill out the booking forms as we need some of you antenatal care records too. As soon as possible.

You can arrange the insurance company to send the letter of guarentee to us any time in advance and there is an on-line form on our website that you can complete in advance so as to cut down on the paper work when you arrive at the hospital.

As I will not be able to access the internet over the weekend please feel free to call if you need any further help.

Lynne - 2849 0328

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
How many beds in a ward room at Matilda? Is it 3 or 4?

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Starbucks2 18 yrs ago
What does "fully booked" mean? I had assumed that you could only book in if you were having a planned c-section. How do you book a date if you are planning a natural delivery?? We were expecting to use Matilda too but I have a lot longer to go.

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miffy 18 yrs ago
So if the wards are full, they still charge you for the price of an upgraded room? Seems very unfair. What about in reverse - i.e if you have booked a private room and they're all full - do you get put in a ward then, and what do they charge you?

Starbucks - my understanding of the booking system is the same as waffle's; ie your doctor books you in and then you are booked for 'around that time'. C-sections are obviously booked for a specific date. Best to get your dr to book you in now, even if it is a long way off (it goes very quickly!)

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Nula 18 yrs ago
I was told by my obs that even with a booking for a c-section you still run the risk of them not being able to do it on the day or not getting the room you wanted (ie private). I heard that the Santorium is booked thru to April already!

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Starbucks2 18 yrs ago
Thanks waffle and miffy. Am seeing dr for 20 week scan in 2 weeks - might ask him to book me in then. We called the dr's office a week ago and they said they were not looking to book me in with Matilda until May but based on this thread, that may be way too late!

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Yes, please don't wait that long to book. We are trying our best to accomodate everyone but not always possible.

Prices have not increased but availability of rooms may be an issue.

Your patience and understanding is very much appreciated especially by our midwives.

Although the doctor needs to make the booking you can fill the admission forms in online in advance to lessen the paperwork as your arrive at the hospital.

If you need any other details please feel free to give me a call (can't always get back to the thread).

Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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popsicle 18 yrs ago
OK ladies

Have spoken with Matilda and May is fully booked and June has nearly reached its capacity - they take 80 beds per month and take your booking based on you due date. My due date is early June, however I expect I will have another C sect, so will no doubt deliver in May - however I am booked under the 'June' intake.

As mentioned above you are not guaranteed the room for which you have booked, i.e. should you book under a ward and there are no ward beds available when you are admitted (as per the last few days, I know this, as I have been trying to get up there to have a look!) then you have no option but to upgrade and cop the costs....ouch!!

Also, it is worth noting that standard beds are only available for post-natal care, hence for any antenatal care you will automatically be placed in a semi/ private room and have the cop the increased charges associated.

Hope this is helpful. ALL hospitals are experiencing this shortage so get your OBs to book you in to your hospital of choice early.

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miffy 18 yrs ago
Worth noting that Matilda is now fully booked for June as well....Starbucks2, I'd definitely do it now!

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Starbucks2 18 yrs ago
Thanks miffy and others - spoke to my doctor's nurse yesterday but she was of no help so have asked her to have the doctor call me today. Want to make sure that he books me in this week as I am due early July. I also rang Matilda ysterday and they said they still had room for June but that may have changed. They did not seem especially concerned and said that my doctor had just pre-booked all his June due date patients this month and would likely do July due date patients in the next month. Given all the responses here though, I want to make sure that I am booked in.

Do we really think that the perceived shortage at Matilda and Adventist etc is due to mainland mothers booking in for private hospital deliveries? Or, as on the other thread, are people just in panic mode and pre-booking earlier than they otherwise would?

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Nula 18 yrs ago
I was told by my Dr that there has also been an increase in local HK residents who would under normal circumstances deliver in Public hospitals but they are now booking private because of the perceived overcrowding in public hospitals - a "knock on effect". So between the two (mainland mothers and an increase in HK locals) then there might become a squeeze on hospital places.

I believe the Adventist is equipped for about 65 per month but have been doing more like 75 deliveries. If that is the case then 65 places don't seem a lot to me. Perhaps Lynne from Matilda could clarify the situation for us.

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miffy 18 yrs ago
That's a really good question Starbucks - it would be interesting to get Lynne from Matilda's view. Is there any sort of priority given in the booking system to HK residents, or is it first come first served for both residents and Mainland mothers? I'm still worrying about not getting a bed, even if I'm booked in!

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