what to bring: Matilda

Posted by esque 18 yrs ago
I noticed that the Useful Information page on Matilda's website: http://www.matilda.org/eng/services/maternity/useful.php

has information on what you need to bring. However it also says:

Details of what the hospital supplies are linked HERE.

Then the link goes to a page that doesn't actually have any details of what the hospital supplies. Does anyone know where this list is?


PS if someone can also send the link for the online registration, that would be handy, as I can't seem to find that either, maybe it's been taken down?

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crj 18 yrs ago
This thread suggests what to bring:


Also, please do note that the online preregistration only saves you time when you arrive with paperwork, you can also do this in person anytime before your delivery date. It does not mean you are pre-booked - only your doctor can book you - see this thread:


Good luck!!

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esque 18 yrs ago
Thank you. Both of those threads are most helpful.

If anyone knows though, I would still like to know the URLS for the preregistration and the list of what is supplied by the hospital.

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Matilda 18 yrs ago
Here is the link for the admission form:


And this is for what the hospital provides:


Hope that is useful, please give me a call if you still have trouble (and I will find out why the link doesn't go the right place.


Lynne - 2849 0328

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong


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esque 18 yrs ago
Fabulous, thanks Lynne.

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Kimmi 18 yrs ago
Basically The Matilda supplies most things. But things I brought in extra was: Muslins cloths(for baby burp), face cleanser, face moisturiser (for me), maternity pads and sanitary pads as the ones they supply are massive, large cotton wool squares as they only supply small cotton wool balls and wipes, breast pads as they dont supply these. They supply nighties and housecoats but I brought in my own PJ's for more comfort and comfortable day wear like tracksuits as I didnt like being in my PJ's all day, then lastly nursing bras and underwear.

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bontheka 18 yrs ago
I had a baby there 5 months ago. Let's see if I can remember.... they supplied baby diapers, cotton wool balls, vaseline, there were some free goodie packs from Pampers and Huggies, lotion, toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, maternity sanitary pads, disposable panties... Oh, by the way, don't forget to bring your camera and video camera as they encourage the birth partner to record and photograph the birth.

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