Heart rate

Posted by wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Hi everyone,

Possibly a dumb question--it seems I have an endless supply--but here goes...

At my first ultrasound (6 weeks), we heard the heartbeat and were told that the rate was 107 bpm. My worry is that two pregnant friends I've talked to got much higher heart rates--more in the neighborhood of 140 to 155 bpm. I have a call into the doctor because I've been worrying myself sick about this...but in the meantime can any of you offer any insight? Does a "slow" heart rate mean anything? Or is the important point just that there *is* a heart rate?

Thanks as always for your kind help.

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my thoughts 18 yrs ago
Hi wishing--

I didn't realize you were pregnant! That's great news.

I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to your question but I'm sure you can google it. Did your OB have any comment?

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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Hi, My Thoughts, nice to hear from you and thanks for your kind note.

Ironically, my OB's office only added to my anxiety because the nurse said it isn't anything to be "too worried" about...which I of course interpreted to mean I *should* be somewhat worried! But, furious googling through the night has calmed my fears a bit. It seems the fetal heart rate *is* slower in the very early weeks and then picks up speed. Possibly (since the timing is all still a bit fuzzy in these early days) the friends I was comparing results with are actually further along...

Thanks for asking--hope you are well.

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esque 18 yrs ago
Here's some info I found. As you can see, the heartrate speeds up, then slows down again, over a fairly wide range. As you said, your friends' babies were probably further along


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wishing and hoping 18 yrs ago
Thanks, Esque. I din't know about that site so I appreciate your pointing me to it, as well as the heartbeat info. Thanks again.

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