Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hi everyone, i am luna, i live in tokyo but i'll be moving to jakarta in 2 months, i would like to know if someone knows about doctors and pregnancy cares there and how much is costing giving the birth and cesarian in a private hospital and in a public one just to have an idea about how the local people do this kind of things. Thanks, luna.
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lunak, i think you are at the wrong site. this is hong kong asiaxpat, you should try the indonesia asiaxpat site. good luck.
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I think actually this is an open asiaxpat forum and people from anywhere in Asia access it - just it's predominantly traffiked by HK-ers. I'm accessing it via anyway!
Lunak, hopefully someone in Jakarta will see your post but I've not seen many people in Indonesia posting here - have you tried or - they have buletin boards for international parents.
All the best
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