Posted by espresso 18 yrs ago
We have been trying for a while now and the process has been/is still a bit of a struggle. Last month, I thought I had it - I was feeling nauseous, have all these strange cravings for food, nose getting sensitive to smells but eventually I had my period. Just wondering if anyone can share their stories re TTC and/or have insights to offer. thanks.


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espresso 18 yrs ago
Thanks expat2006. Its good to know that there is someone out there who had a similar experience. I have been trying to look online for some research in relation to TTC. If you come across any good TTC websites please let me know. thx

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the goddess kali 18 yrs ago
How long have you been TTC? It takes anything from a month to a couple of yrs if not more.

Usually if you're not successful after 6-8months you can go to the doc and have some tests done.

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Kmom 18 yrs ago
My first child, we were TTC for about a year before I finally conceived --- when i stopped stressing and worrying about it, that's when it finally happened. My son turns 4 this year and we are trying once again. It has been 5 months since and so I am forced once again to just be patient ;-)

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espresso 18 yrs ago
hi kmom-

we have been trying for almost 2 years now. but i think we were not trying on a "fully informed" basis -what i mean is i haven't really made enough effort to find out about what i should know about ttc. then i read this thread from AX about TTC. it's actually very informative. i realise that perhaps every couple has their own way of going about TTC. but i guess, like you said, the first and more important thing is probably to relax and be patient. good luck with your 2nd TTC!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
espresso, try this site. i was obscessed about this site when i was ttc. many interesting stories there, definitely worth looking at but dont get too obscessed with it like i did.

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espresso 18 yrs ago
thanks mother 2005. can you provide the link? i would be interested to take a look at it...


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Kmom 18 yrs ago
hi espresso-

i just relied (for the first one) and again for the 2nd TTC on this site:

i type in first day of my last period and it will tell me when i will be most fertile (provided of course you've got a regular period)

good luck, be patient and have faith

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squiggles 18 yrs ago
It might be worth using Ovulation Predictor Kits. They are expensive but are fairly accurate in determining when you will ovulate.

If you are anything like me, taking BBT is just not an option as I am forgetful etc. You just use these sticks in your pee around the time you think you will ovulate and it will tell you when you actually will! You might be surprised (like I was) that I wasn't completely in the middle of the month in some of my cycles so these were really helpful!

So much so that I have just tested positive...been trying for 9 months for the 2nd one, using guesswork for the first six and OPKs for the last three. I guess the OPKs worked!

Good Luck!

PS I also took Robitussin to improve my CM...guess that helped too...

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espresso 18 yrs ago
hi squiggles

congrats on being successful for the second time!

i took your advice and got myself an OPK yesterday and will use it this month. i have also decided to go back to taking BBT. hopefully with the help of BBT and OPK it will help me predict my O day better as my cycle tends to fluctuate quite wildly (we are still trying for 1st time).

you said Robitussini can improve your CM?? whoa that is the first time i have heard of it. can you explain? thanks!

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squiggles 18 yrs ago
hi expresso,

look up robitussin or to be more precise, guaifenesin, and apparently it is quit good for CM in that it helps thins it out. sometimes apparently it can be too thick for the little start to take it about 5 days before you ovulate and while you are ovulating (three times a day. it doesn't taste great, but it's jsut something else you can do...

there are so many theories as to what is good etc - there's others that say that lack of iron is not good, you should already be taking folic acid, evening primrose oil is also good etc..i suppose you just hvae to stay healthy, don't over exercise, over stress and over eat!!

good luck!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
espresso, i am so sorry. i forgot to attach the address of the site. blame it on pregnancy hormones. here's the site.

it's a really good site. sorry about the late reply. good luck

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espresso 18 yrs ago
thanks squiggles and mother 2005 for your replies-

i have been taking my BBT and it looks like my O day will be sometime between this weekend and next tues. we are trying to make it "happen" this month.... fingers crossed!

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espresso 18 yrs ago
hi mother 2005

i went on to the website you recommended and found a tonne of useful information. what i found most useful was the early pregnancy symptoms. didn't realise how everyone can have such different reactions.

anyway on a separate topic, does anyone know if implantation bleeding always happens prior to TTC? should one always be expecting to see the bleeding before knowing oneself is pregnant?


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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
dear espresso, glad that you like it. i was hooked on that site when i was ttc. well, as for your question, for the first two pregnancies, there were no implantation bleeding at all. with my current pregnancy, i had a tinge of blood a few days before my supposed period, i was sooooo sure that my period was coming and i was so upset. but i waited and it never came, and bingo! i was pregnant. so i guess that was implantation bleeding. but i read somewhere that not everyone get implantation bleeding. in fact, only 5- 10% of women do. good luck with trying.

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lovechild 18 yrs ago
Hi!mother 2005,i am new to this site,but all your input is really useful.I have been TTC for 3 months now and no luck ....yet.It's always nice to get on the site and get your mind of waiting.It really kills you when everywhere you look there are pregnant women and your biological clock is ticking.

Dear espresso,i guess we are in the same boat till one of us is lucky.Lots of luck to you this month.As of me,i was late in buying my OPK's,so don't really know when i ovulated.My BBT and CM is very confusing,so i've just relied on the age old trick of every other day from day 10-16 on my 26 day cycle.Absolutely no symptoms yet!fingers crossed!it's always nice cng people get BFP on the site.Wish lots of luck to you Espresso and CONGRATS to you SQUIGGLES!!!!bb

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espresso 18 yrs ago
dear lovechild

glad to know we are in the same boat. actually my BBT and CM are confusing as well! this month, it seemed as though my BBT 3 day peak is much earlier than what my CM suggested. on the other hand when I used my OPK (clearblue) this month, i was never able to get the left line stronger than the right line. at best, they just looked equal color. of course we also tried the age old trick as well and we have been doing that for the last year or so. since my O day, my BBT has been staying consistently high. i know what this is suggesting but in last November i had the same thing happening and my body rejected it afterall. so fingers crossed. baby dust to you all!!

mom 2005 - sorry to bug you with questions again, but do you know if we are supposed to abstain from caffeine while TTCing? i read from twoweekswait that some women do cut it out while they are TTC.

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lovechild 18 yrs ago
dear espresso,my concern was to/not to have coffee,alcohol(a glass of wine would'nt hurt),but my husband would'nt have it.So i guess for the better,no coffee,with/without caffeine...and all others.My doctor said it's better to abstain ,but some others say it's ok.I also read that even a glass of wine/or coffee does sort of affect ovulation (not absoutely sure,though)esp in the latter part of ovulation.It would be good to check ,though.

Tks to all of you for your support,esp follow the advice of the experts,like hkchoichoi,mother2005,may C,and hoping to use the list of obgyn compiled by wishing and hoping.

Anyways,getting back to my weird cycle.I will be more careful next month if nt lucky this time.Will know by Mar 1.Another question ,is green tea good to increase CM and on a earlier thread someone said to put egg white down there?????!!!!Coz my CM is not a lot which may be the problem(amongst others,i don't know).Any advice on taking Robuttissin etc.

Would love to have some advice .Tks

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
lovechild, on robitussin,

on egg white as lubricants,

but be careful, because there's another article here that says egg white is the old method but with more and more micro-organism found in eggs (e.g salmonella), it's not advisable anymore. i used egg white when ttc, i didn't get any infection, but it's up to you to the risk you are willing to take. otherwise, there's a product called preseed that you can take to replace egg white.

as for green tea,

i tried all of the above while ttc. i know, i know. i was obscessed with getting pregnant. when you are desperate, you are willing to try anything. i also tried pineapple juice on the day that i ovulated so that it will help with implantation. check this out

i think i have said enough, good luck trying girls. best advice is, just relax and enjoy sex!!!

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
espresso, i stay out of coffee when ttc. when i have the urge, i drink decaf. but i guess one or two cups once in a while is ok.

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espresso 18 yrs ago
wow mother 2005

you sure did do your research!! i am impressed. the links you provided - will be weekend reading for me ;)

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
espresso, sorry to be so long-winded. another important thing that i think i should let you know. i hope you are not a lover of soya drink or soya product because it's best to avoid these products when you are trying. the chemical or enzyme in soya is found to kill the sperms therefore affect fertility.

ok! i'm done!

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espresso 18 yrs ago
mother 2005

thanks for the reminder - i needed that as i do drink soya milk once in a while. will probably cut it out now especially when i am in the "two week wait" so to speak. tomorrow will make it the end of week one for me and strangely i have been having migranes in the last three days. also had intermitten breast and back pain and irregular hunger pangs. all these signs are quite unusual for me. on thursday, my migrane was so bad that i felt like my head was about to explode! makes me wonder if there is a flu bug going on at work or me? truly confused about TTC symptoms sometimes. i am struggling to decide whether to take tylenol too, as i am not sure if whether i should cut all medication.

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
good luck, espresso. be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. meanwhile, just relax and dont stress too much.

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lovechild 18 yrs ago
mother 2005

once again a big tks for all the links and support. ques.Do you know if i can buy preseed in hk and where? Really considiring it for nxt mth if not lucky this time.

Espresso,keeping fingers crossed for you too.

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mother_2005 18 yrs ago
sorry, lovechild. i have never used preseed before, just heard about it. all i know is that you can buy it online but not sure if it is sold in hong kong stores. will ask around for you.

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lovechild 18 yrs ago
mother 2005

Thanks!i think the only way is online i think anyways,i'll try and get on that this month.

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