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18 yrs ago
10 weeks is what the law gives you in HK.
But if money were not an issue, I would have taken 6 months at least. That would have allowed me to do more with baby and to rest more.
Saying that, work was accomodating and let me work from home so I could breast feed.
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my colleague also advise baby survive better in breast feed for 6 - 12mths for the stronger immune system against normal flu & jaundice.
good luck !
working mum can store & label it til 6mths for breast milk. (first in & first out syst).
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18 yrs ago
10 weeks of maternity leave and usually it's 2 weeks pre-delivery and 8 weeks post-delivery. Some companies may insist you take 4 weeks pre-d and 6 weeks post-d.
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Can a company make you start maternity leave 2 weeks pre-delivery? I think 8 weeks post-delivery is too short and ideally would love to work right up till delivery if possible but HR have said that they assume that I will take maternity leave from at least two weeks before my due date and have asked me for a doctor's letter stating when my due date is. I intend to try and breastfeed for up to 6 months, so the longer I am at home, the easier it will be- am planning to try and see whether I will be able to express at work once I return.
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18 yrs ago
Yes they can...!
I do pump at work - you need to get yourself prepped for this say, two weeks before you return to work. Good Luck!!!
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