Posted by
18 yrs ago
Hi there, I'm 7 months pregnant and feeling a bit down. I was fine yesterday morning, then someone from my old firm came around and wanted to talk about a few people from my old job - and some of the comments she made that past colleagues had said about me have really brought me down. It's just gossipy drivel and normally I'd be able to brush it off...but for the last 24 hours I've either been in tears or feeling angry that I bought this negativity in to my home.
I realise I have other things to think about - but my mind is like a broken record. I would normally long be forgotten by now...but I assume because I've been on my own all day (husband is working today) it's exascerbated my mindset.
I'd like to snap out of this - any suggestions...I tried chocolate :)
Silly post really - just needed to talk to someone.
18 yrs ago
It's the evil pregnancy hormones, just remember if is NOT REALLY YOU...
Movie/book/ice cream/swim/tidying baby room/anything!
Thanks Cri - I think so...brewing, crazy lady. Of course the person who upset me has no idea.
Just bought some more chocolate ...and shopping on line for some more baby items. Also, called a very close girlfriend and she sorted me out.
These wild hormones are something else - knew I should have gone to the gym today, I cope much better after exercise.
Its worse after the babys born :( At least for me it was. Everyone is different.
You know most times its not a big deal but somehow we are so sensitive during pregnancy and after that it brings out our emotional self. Its the hormones and as long asyou dont let yourself get into a very deep depression and always talk about your feelings with friends you should be just fine. if it ever gets worse or you are in a deep depression that you cant get out of talk to your doctor they will really help you.
18 yrs ago
Gabriella, that's very thoughtless of your colleague to tell you all those gossips. Next time, if she starts, just say, "Hey would you like some coffee?" or maybe "Wanna see the nursery, tell me what you think". That way you're gently telling her that you don't want to think about those things.
Hormones do play tricks on us and the things we can usually control, we find that we can't. I guess this comes with the pregnancy package, huh? ;-)
Thank you both.
I am a little emotional at the moment, but fortunately I did not let on to her. I was upset after she left though - I dislike negative drivel, but didn't know how to shut it down. I should have diverted her attention...although I didn try that a couple of times. I am annoyed at her, but also annoyed at myself for tolerating it.
Bit better kept my mind off of it and so did my new friend chocolate :)
Glad to hear you are a bit better! And MayC is right you should stop her dead in her tracks before she tells you things that might upset you more. I have had friends tell me things other ppl said and i just said " I am sorry but i dont want to know." She understood why i didnt and didnt mention further. I am a very blunt person haha so usually others wont push me.
I know pregnancy can be tough and the emotions that come with it are even tougher. If it helps any i think its a good way to see things from a different perspective. I know i have a heightened sense of smell... its odd how yogart smells like rotten milk..... or how i cant handle eating anything thats been in the fridge due to the fridge smell. It makes me seem nuts to try to explain this to a non pregnant person or even a pregnant person who doesnt have the same thing. But Luckily there are forums like this site where we can talk about such things. meet friends online and feel a sense of connection to others with similar situations.
It will ease up in due time. Just have some patience and try some vanilla tea... wow it does miracles!!!!
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