Continuous Contractions

Posted by Verellene 18 yrs ago
Hi there guys,

I am pregnant with my 3rd child. And with all 3 from about 4 months on i have continuous contractions.. at 7 months i begin to dilate and by around the due date im pretty much rdy to go.

Now i havent ever found anyone with the same issue. Just wondering if anyone else had the same thing.

With my first i went into premature labor at 7 months but didnt deliver her premature second one i just had the contractions and dilated then had her 3 weeks early. now i am 21 weeks along with contractions everyday all day. First 2 babies were born in the states. So i got this fear what if i go early and the doctor here in Shanghai, China doesnt know what to do... im sure its a normal feeling/thought. Just a bit insecure about having a baby in china haha.


FCB 18 yrs ago
Hi Verellene

My friend is living in mainland China she should give birth today or in a few days and she will go to a nice hospital, the link is:

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She said prices are OK and last time she made a birth plan, she had to fight a bit but they followed it. She was quite happy there.

Just have a look at this link and check if it's near to your place.

Most of the mums in this forum are from Hong Kong so I don't know if you will have a lot of replies for Shanghai.

Try to rest a lot :-)

take care

Verellene 18 yrs ago
Hi there FCB,

Yeah seems i am out alone a bit on that since there arent any groups or such for Shanghai. Perhaps i should create one and get it running LOL.

Ty for that. I was also suggested this hospital by our insurance LOL... just didnt notice it til you also refered me. The hospital is in another district of Shanghai so hopefully i can wait out the 20min taxi ride if need be. I noticed they had an NICU which is awesome.

What sort of issues did they have with the birth plan that your friend had?

Hong Kong has more foreigners then Shanghai does and most people who come to Shanghai usually come and go for business. Actually i havent seen too many women here under 40yrs old who arent business class. Some are here to teach however arent married or have kids. Its pretty unique to have a family here. Even if most are based in HK its still nice to have a forum for pregnancy in english that i can read. I was really just posting to know if anyone else has similar issues during pregnancy. I havent found anyone else who does so it makes me feel a bit alone in that matter. i asked my Doctor back home with the 2nd baby why i had it. he just said some do some dont but i always have short labors so perhaps its for a good reason. Just can be bad if it does go wrong.

Thanks for your link, advice and understanding!


FCB 18 yrs ago

Well they had to "fight" for everything because they wanted a natural birth and eventually the staff cooperated quite well. They were just not used to have this kind of demands...

Concerning the distance I think 20 minutes is great (I live at 1.30 h from the hospital!).

For your contractions be carefull and try to rest because (like in Europe) they could keep you at the hospital and give you some medicine to avoid contractions(salbutamol) it's terrible because your heart beats so fast and your body is shaking or trembling(I don't know how to explain in english) and you can't stand up properly anymore... but may be you already took this medicine before ? It's not good for the baby's heart.

I don't know if you can buy it on internet but there is a great homeopatic medicine called Cuprum Metallicum 5 ch, this is totally safe and it works well.

If you avoid to travel by car or bus, if you avoid carring things, climbing stairs, cleaning your house, carring your children (not easy !) holding your arms up and if you lay down most of the time it should calm down.... Try a warm bath and relaxing technics.

I just realize I'm giving you some advices and I don't follow them myself !!! And because I'm too active (I neeeeever stop) I'm also having a lot of contractions....

Good luck :-))

Verellene 18 yrs ago
Yeah i called the hospital got an appt for march and so i think its gonan be fine. Ive already made a birth plan so.... i hope they go with it cuz i have had it for sometime. this is my 3rd kid so i imagine i know what im doing lol.

Yeah i try all those things. I have a maid/nanny so i hardly clean. I only lift the kids if they are crying cuz they got hurt. I know all those techiques from the first pregnancy. I had to be hospitalized with the first for a week and was on a medication i think similar to that.. stopped contractions but it made me vomit and shake and felt uneasy so perhaps it is the same thing. The doctor i spoke with when making the appt told me i should go to the hospital to get checked out but to be honest i dont want to go to the hospital i think its normal for me what is happening.. its just what my body does.

thanks FCB!!


Matilda 18 yrs ago
Labour is in progress when there is changes in the cervical status.

So sometimes strong braxton hicks contractions may feel like labour, but in fact if there is no cervical dilatation, it is not labour.

Some pregnant women however, may suffer from

threatened premature labour with mild cervical changes which may progress to full labour.

You should ask your obstetrician if any cause can be found, and whether any treatment is indicated.

Matilda Health Centre - 2849 1500

Matilda International Hospital

Hong Kong

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