baby bath tub v. molded seat

Posted by espresso 17 yrs ago
can someone tell me whether both are needed when bathing new borns? i am slightly confused as to when to use what, and whether both are necessary for the first few months. thanks.

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
The molded seat does help a bit since baby can have back supported by it while in the tub. Some baby tubs have an integrated seat on one side.

In any case you need to support newborns at all times so the seat may be a bit redundant at first. It comes into it's own after a few months.

Having said all that, all you really need is a sink and some counter space. Baby tubs are fine too. Or if you are comfortable with it take baby into the bath with you once he/she can support his/her head and back somewhat.

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STAR&sHINE 17 yrs ago
I don't know why people use kitchen sinks - it sounds very strange to me.......I used a small tub for a few month as my back would be killing me if I put the baby into the low adult bath tub- the seat is not suitable for the first few months as you cannot support the baby well...........if you can handle 'bending down' over your bath-tub I would say no need to buy a baby tub........

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axptguy38 17 yrs ago
"I don't know why people use kitchen sinks - it sounds very strange to me...."

We never did that. we used the bathroom sink! ;) It makes a lot of sense if your sink is in a big bench. You can put the changing mat next to the sink for drying, and have everything to hand. Also it's a pretty good height.

Also, in a very small apartment a tub takes up a lot of space.

"I used a small tub for a few month as my back would be killing me if I put the baby into the low adult bath tub"

The idea is to get in the tub with your 4+ month old. Otherwise as you say it would make no sense. This is how our daughters are bathed. Mummy is in the tub doing suds and toys and I'm outside providing drop-in and pull-out+drying+diapering+dressing service.

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