see this earlier link for insurance. I contacted Andrew at RS Insurers and he was really quick to reply and terms look good. I just went on holiday (second trimester) and everything was fine. I didn't get my act together to get insurance in time, but would do so just in case.
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My tips:
1. don't forget your prenatal vitamins.
2. try and get an aisle seat closer to the loos- I normally go for a window seat as far away from the loos as possible and this is a bad idea- being pregnant makes you want to pee ten times more than the usual person and this isn't great when you have to crawl over two people then leg it down half the plane only to stand in a queue.
3. check with your doctor it's okay (not sure what trimester you're in).
4. bring LOTS of water. Those piddly glasses they give you don't help and you soon realise you have a choice of being the most annoying passenger on the plane by calling for water every two seconds or being totally parched.
5. ask for a pillow asap- some planes have limited numbers and this is a life saver for your back.
6. do some research on how far the nearest hospital/doctor is from your hotel and what it's like- JUST IN CASE (touch wood).
7. try out your bikini before you go (I only JUST managed to squeeze into mine when I got there and must have been a bit of a fright... I should really have checked before I went).