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18 yrs ago
Ok so i changed hospitals and doctors and during my visit the doctor introduces me to my midwife... i havent ever had a midwife before with my 2 other pregnancies so i dont know what exactly to expect. Is it going to be the same as when an obgyn delivers the baby? Of course im a bit worried right since baby 1 and 2 were born in the states with an obgyn doing everything. So, how does it work with a midwife? If anyone has had a midwife and willing to share their experience that would be great!!!
Thanks Much!
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I have had both a midwife and a doctor. And mind you my father is an OB/GYN. and I LOVED My midwife experience and my obgyn experience was far less wonderful.
The nice thing about midwives is that I feel that they are more your advocate than anything else. Some people have the wrong idea that they will "force" you to go all natural and I have not found that to be true. Instead they are there to make sure that you are comfortable and since they generally tend to be there with you the entire labor process (vs. the doctor who shows up for the victory 50 meter dash at the very end) they are more in tune with your needs than the doctor is. I had 6 different midwives during my 12 hour active labor and recovery and every single one of them was lovely. One was with me the entire 8 hours, and then shifted to another one during the next 4 and she is the one who actually delivered my baby. They were waiting for the darn OB, and kept telling me not to push. at one point (this is my first pregnancy too) I looked at her and said, I HAVE To push and she took a look down there and said "Why yes you do - let's go!" Got ready and in less than 2 pushes I had my baby out. She stitched me up, she had me push out the afterbirth and she was wonderful. I LOVED the experience.
My ob was rude and making crass jokes during my c-section and totally made the experience horrible. If I had my way I would only have a midwife deliver - not an ob.
In case of the emergency, in most cases, the midwife will defer to the doctor - but in a normal, uncomplicated vaginal birth - it is the midwife. They are AWESOME! As long as you like her (you met her - did you like her) I don't hink you have too much to worry about. Since you're a pro, you're already going to know what to ask for and what to expect - so your midwife will be there as quiet woman I also think they are far more sympathetic to the process.
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In the UK unless it is a C-section or complicated birth - the ob/gyn will not even be called in. The midwives are so experienced with delivering babies and are very supportive to new (or 2nd , 3rd time etc) mums. I nearly crushed my poor midwive's knuckles when she offered her hand for me to hold on to whilst I was pushing (my husband cleverly was on my left side - haha. Hope it all goes well with your birth.
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With my first 2 pregnancies i had an obgyn he was an awesome doctor and yeah i had to wait to push cuz he lived like 15 mins away haha... which sucked however, i now have a female obgyn and a female midwife and from what i hear the doctor will come in to check if things are fine but the midwife delivers the baby...
I have had time to come to like the idea but i was always scared before. I used to watch alot of birthing shows and such and guess i prefered the doctor to the midwife.
For the most part im concerned due to the fact i have premature labor. at 27 weeks i almost delivered my eldest girl early. was in the hospital for 1 week then was sent home on bed rest no movement besides eating and bathroom. 2nd one i had some premature labor nothing big but 3 weeks early. Now i am sitting at 27 weeks and having alot of contractions which are pretty continuous.
Now with this one being my 3rd i know what to do its just now i got all the insecurities of being in a foreign country. I find the healthcare isnt the same level as when i was back home. Here i cant film during actual delivery only before and then after... and before i could have 4 ppl in the room with me *family members* now i can only have hubby.
Does the midwife actually stay in the room the whole entire time or come and go? Cuz if she was to come and go that would be more like what a nurse does in a situation without a midwife so it would be similar.
Anyway thanks for the help and it helps reassure me some.
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I don't know about Shanghai, but in HK, the midwife was with me the entire time watching the fetal monitor. There was an additional midwife who was checking on things back and forth and she was in and out of the room, but there was one with my continually.
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wow so she stays the whole time? They dont like go out or leave you alone at all? Well i wont know til the day comes right? hehehe! Thanks HKchoi!!!
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Mine stayed the whole time - there was always one with me -and I was having a straightforward labor - no complications. She probably would have preferred if I had taken the epidural as I was screaming and moaning quite a bit and yelling at my husband to do accupressure on my legs and my hands - but she stayed with me the entire time. There was a shift change - but my midwife was so kind and told me someone new was coming in, and the new midwife introduced herself to me - she stayed with me and while waiting for the doctor to show up, she ended up delivering my baby.
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In HK public hospital, unless there are complications, the midwives deliver the baby. We always had one with us the all time, the doc came when we arrived, and we didn't see him anymore after for my 2nd one since baby was out in 3 hours. For my 1st on he was coming back regularly to check (10 hrs labour) and assessed me to suggest the C-section.
I've heard in France it is the same, the midwives deliver the baby unless some complications.
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oh i see. I was told i had a specific midwife not one who just came in from the hospital. I have a specific doctor and midwife. hmmmm well anyway it works lol!!
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