Home birth

Posted by Speedie 18 yrs ago

Am expecting my second child in September and am exploring the possibility of a home birth in Hong Kong. Does anyone have any experience with this or helpful advice?


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crj 18 yrs ago
Talk to Annerley Midwifes...

Note, this is NOT common in HK, and you are likely not to find support from your OBGYN. But that shouldn't stop you if you want to do this.

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gonetoguam 18 yrs ago
We are expecting may 14th and seek midwife and homebirth also we just moved to China and are one hand half hours by boat from Hong Kong If you find someone to help you we would love a contact also

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midwife 18 yrs ago
Hi Speedie,

I had my baby in Hong Kong at home 9 months ago.

Please pm me and I am happy to chat to you about how I planned the whole thing.

It was very straight forward and my baby was born by candlelight in our bedroom!

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