Abortion in Hong Kong

Posted by LovelyD 18 yrs ago
I am pregnant about 18 weeks and now I decided not to keep the baby as make me stressful to be a single mother. As I know I have to get 2 reference letter from the doctor, where should I find the doctors here ? Can anyone give me suggestion ?

Besides, I don't want to spend around 10K HKD in the private hospital, how much if I go to public hospital ? And how long should I wait for ?

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
2468 >

Thanks for your reply but I decided not to keep the baby.

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nilasari 18 yrs ago
You could go to goverment hospital but you need the reff from private doctor. Cost less. Better ask your obgyn first.

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
nilasari > thanks and do you know around how much if go to goverment hospital ? and How long should I wait for ?

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
Akoyan > IN Wanchai ? Would you pleas let me know more details ? and why have to bring my bf ?

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
Akoyan > you mean Family Planning Assocation in Wanchai ?

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@@ 18 yrs ago
What is the "cut off" for an abortion? You may need to act very quickly as I would have thought 18 weeks would be getting a bit late.

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Just did my checking and found it is 24 weeks.....

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
@_@ > The "cut off" for abortion is 24 weeks, that's means I have to act very quick. And you married ?

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@@ 18 yrs ago
Hi LovelyD

I found this link that might be helpful, at the bottom of the page are some numbers for hospitals and the Family Planning Association:


Yes, I'm married but not sure why you ask???

Good Luck, hope all goes well for you.


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docboat 18 yrs ago
This is just so sad ..... it suggests - forgive me - that if you have waited 18 weeks, that something has happened to make you change your mind about having a baby with your bf, and if so, perhaps if that problem were resolved you would not want to abort the baby? At 18 weeks, you have a recognisable baby in the womb, and it needs to be said now that if you do choose to abort at this stage, it might cause you a lot of psychological problems in the future if/when the original problems are resolved.

Having said that, I am sure you have thought this through, and good luck on the path you choose.

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michelle_a_bella 18 yrs ago
the family planning association will only perform abortions up till 10 weeks.

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
Thanks for your reply.

Did anyone know how much if I have abortion in Central Hospital ?

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cd 18 yrs ago
Totally your decision, but did you see the story the other week of the 21 week old baby surviving her early birth and going home.

I'm not going to preach,abortion is a very personal choice but I feel you've left it to late to abort, and if you really feel you don't want the child then put it up for adoption.

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Pinky67 18 yrs ago
Central Hospital is approx. HK10,000

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788 18 yrs ago
Dear Joyce, I am having trouble conceiving naturally too. No history of abortions. Am I being punished as well? Abortion is a deeply personal choice as is believing in God. Lovely D has not asked whether she should go ahead with the decision or not. Why contribute if you don't have advice anywhere close to what has been asked for? And I have couple of friends who have beautiful children after needing to abort earlier. Clearly, God didn't penalise them.

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
Hi 788 and joyce > thanks for your reply. I will take the responsibility as I choose this way.

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LovelyD 18 yrs ago
By the way, I heard about people go to Guangzhou and anyone have this experience before ? Do you mind to share with me ?

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Blitzing 18 yrs ago
>Joyce - the higher the number of abortions, the higher the chance one may have of miscarriage but it shouldn't have any affect on whether or not one conceives.

I would have thought that at 18 weeks this will be a different procedure entirely i.e. the foetus will be induced and delivered naturally.

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rgoodwin 18 yrs ago
Shame on the people here that are, instead of answering your specific questions, are trying in make you feel bad about something that is deeply personal and totally your choice. Just go to a doctor or clinic, have them refer you to a public hospital, they will schedule you in soon, as the further you go in a pregnancy the more complicated it is to terminate.

This is your choice, nobody else's.

Good luck

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