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18 yrs ago
Hi everyone,
I have read many past threads and googled lots but am still a bit confused.
I started to have some light bleeding last night (2 days before my AF) and though i thought it was implantation bleeding, i found the bleeding heavier today. I have only just started TTC so this isn't my biggest concern. My biggest concern is that my OPK showed up positive 9 days ago. If this is AF that makes my post ovulatory phase barely 9 days. Does this mean my luteal phase is too short to conceive without meds? Did many of you go to see a doctor before even conceiving, is this recommended?
Any light shed would be much appreciated!
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18 yrs ago
9 days is short IF this is when you AF starts normally. Seems like you have regular cycles- you knew when your flow normally starts. From what I know (my luteal phase fluctuates between 10-12 days) anything below 12-14... its good to check in with your gynae/Gp. Would be even better if you are able to take exact dates of atleast 3 of your most recent cycles.
I did go to see my gynae when we decided to start ttc. I would definitely recommend it. She did a check up similar to a pap smear to have a baseline, gave me folic Acid and answered my innumerable "what if" questions.
Regarding the meds, best to ask the Dr. I know progesterone is what is given for shorter luteal phases- but whether it is thru a gynae, or whether they will guide you to a fertility dr. for this situation (if it indeed it is that), not sure.
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Under ten is considered a short luteal phase - and may be worth a check.
BUT - 788 is right - don't base it on this first round - start charting cycles regularly from here on out to see your luteal phase and watch if there is a significant pattern. Most women do fall in the 12-14 range, and there are some things that can be taken in order to help increase it. (I've heard one form of vitamin B - but you may want to do a web search.)
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thanks both for you replies, will make an appointment with gynae to check out. 788 do you mind telling e who your gynae is and what kind of costs i am looking at? thanks!
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18 yrs ago
Unfortunately, my gynae is US based and am unable to give you a range of costs as well. I am still rather new here. If you do have an issue and it can be helped just by progesterone- then it should not be very expensive because it is a supplement to help your lining stay in place.
I do go to Dr. Philip Ho for fertility reasons who is also a gynaecologist. I like him, and you would find lots of posts vouching for him- both as a gynae and fertility specialist. There is also a list in one thread that tells you options and opinions on diff. Drs. You might need to do a search for it.
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if you email "wishing and hoping" you can get a spreadsheet which lists many different obgyns in HK and opinions and feedback on that obgyn.
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Thanks very much, i will do that!
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Hi everyone,
So spotting did not stop, missed period for one day but still negative on the HPT. Should i wait a few days before taking the HPT again?
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well my story...
I took a pregnancy test which was two days BEFORE my period was due. (and I had timed my ovulation down to a T.) And there was nothing. But no period either.
So I waited two more days, and took another one, and still nothing...and also no period.
Finally in a fit of desperation I took another one - and then the faint line appeared - and voila - I was pregnant.
NOw - I had asked my father this (he's an ob) and he told me that most women are plus or minus one or two days depending on when actual IMPLANTATION happens in order for you to see results on your HPT. The standard for implantation and then the production of HCG also has a range it seems. (which no one ever told ME.) So even if you take your first HPT 10 or 11 days after ovulation, depending on when actual implantation occurred actually can skew your results.
so the short answer - if you don't get your period try again. Now - waiting for your period costs nothing -while those tests cost a bit. But it's up to you.
also - what sort of spotting? brownish pink or red?
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Thanks for your reply HKCC, i have found it useful reading through your past posts. As for the spotting, it was pink on the first day, then brown for yesterday and today. Nothing on underwear, only when i wipe (sorry if TMI)and only a little bit in the morning. Never experienced spotting before. So confused about my body!
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hi babeez,
i used to have less than 10 lutheal phase too, that explains my miscarriage case few years back. I went to see an accupunturist and that did it to 14. For western drug, progesterone helps esp if you're undergoing fertility treatment.
Good luck.
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babeez -
it does sound like implantation spotting more than anything. Timing wise, it could be implantation spotting. Many women do spot - and so if it is, just take it easy and enjoy what your body is doing.
I'd take a test Friday - implantation should have taken place and by then you should get a definite answer.
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Hi everyone, i am so upset today after seeing a Doc that has been mentioned here a few times. Talk about information overload...told me i had PCOS, would miscarry even if i conceived, got a pap smear i never requested, given meds i shouldn't be taken as i hadn't done my bloodwork and nearly given bloodwork when i hadn't been fasting...and i had to pay $6000! I think that's the most expensive 10 minutes of my life and NONE OF IT WAS EXPLAINED PROPERLY! Grrrrr.... Going to try my luck with a new doc, let's hope i don't have to take out a second hoo
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well - pap smear for most docs is standard procedure even if you don't request it. All the docs here demand it when you first see them, even if you had a recent screening that was clean. (this is for Seoul though - but I think it's pretty standard.)
what sort of bloodwork? a glucose test?
PCOS - cousin has it and has gotten pregnant successfully twice (although it took several years...)
what sort of meds? Progesterone?
I'm only trying to help you stay calm and reassure you that maybe your 10 minutes at $6000 wasn't a complete mess and a waste. Perhaps the didn't know how unsure you were.
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oh - and did the doc tell you were pregnant?
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HKCC.. thanks, i am feeling more calm now. You are right, looked on the bright side and can see that it has at least given me some peace of mind in terms of what i am looking at but i was just so upset that the doctor didn't tell me what was going on and rushed through everything without really answering my questions. I just felt like the moment i mentioned that i was trying to conceive, i was rushed to strip and had all these things done to me which weren't explained. Having your legs in the air whilst not knowing what the doc is doing does kinda make one feel vulnerable. Still, thanks for your kind words HKCC, i am on Metformin now, read some good things about it so hope it works but when i googled it, it said it was also for diabetes, hope it doesn't mess up my body. Just worried i am taking meds that i don't yet need...
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oh...and nope, not pregnant,apparently lining in uterus is too thin for the foetus to implant :( and the bloodwork was for 5 different things like LH, E2, FSH, Glucose and Insulin.
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18 yrs ago
Sorry to hear about your dr's visit. I don't think these blood tests need you to fast. You have to ask them firmly to explain and answer your questions- they will. You just have to ignore that they are in a rush. The assumption of pap smear as standard was a shock to me too. Frankly, even the combo of a fertility/ obgyn- if you are going to one- is odd to me but it is normal here in Asia.
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Thanks 788, all this is new to me so i guess the rush and lack of info was a shock to me too. I have decided to be much more firm the next time as i was just so confused after with the diagnosis i was given (several of them actually!)
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Babeez -
you know, Doctors sometimes just don't realize that you JUST DON;T KNOW! My father, he's an OBgyn and sometimes I have to point out to him that what he ASSUMES that his patients know, is not always true. I do think that many women in HK are very up to date and very well read on many fertility/infertility/pregnancy issues - and given that, assume often that information that they are given is known. Not to mention that HK is a very efficient society so sometimes things are not always explained clearly. I personally find TOO MUCH explanation a pain in the but - but I've been pregnant twice and had two kids, so it's different.
you're okay with your blood tests - the only one you'll actually need to "fast" for - is your glucose tolerance test - which doesnt' come until you're pregnant anyways. Too bad the doctor wasn't detailed enough with his explanations - perhaps he had to run off to delivery a baby!
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So i went back to the doc and was even less impressed on my second visit (didn't think that was possible. She has me on Metformin now and i am due to go back in two weeks. As much as i like being patronized and ignored, i have decided not to go back. My question is, if i change doctor, can i request to take back my reports and patient info? Will i have to do the whole 'routine' pap smear again for my third time in 2 months? I am thinking of seeing Dr Sally Anderson...any nice comments about her? Thanks for putting up with my rambling!!! :)
BTW HKCC, i had that glucose tolerance test done and i am not pregnant. I asked about my pap smear results and the nurse said it doesn't say that i took one eventhough she showed the container to me last time and was charged for it. I have had more than 50 blood tests in my life due to anaemia and this is the first time i have come back with a bruise the size of a baseball. I told the doc i was a bit thick and didn't understand what was happening and asked for a clearer explanation about PCOS and i was told that 'google' had the information. WHAT THE HELL?
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wow - -
for sure change doctors. I think you mean Dr. Sally Ferguson - I've heard mixed things - you might want to PM wishing and hoping and see if she'll send you the compiled list of OB's in HK and their various comments. (I think I've figured out who you went to though....- no comments necessary.)
PCOS - there are number of threads on this site about it. IT does cause a number of problems besides trying to get pregnant - and the PCOS itself does need to be addressed. But many people have successfully gotten pregnant despite the condition (my cousin) so let's try and find you a doctor who will take you through the process in a calm and reasonable manner without making you feel like a dolt.
Request your forms and whatnot. You may be able to ask your new doc to do it for you -not sure about the system in HK - but try and avoid duplicate tests if possible. WOW!
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Thanks HKCC, going to get some info from the Family Planning Association tomorrow and see what advice they can give me.
Yes, i was referring to Dr. Sally Ferguson...i got the list from W&H but my friend gave me a list of much cheaper clinics with much nicer people so i think i'll go check them out first.
Thanks again for helping me find a way through all this kerfuffle! :)
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